One from Another Time

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SMG4: And that is everything.

(Y/N): Holy shit...well, this sounds like it's gonna get quite intense...

Meggy: They're trying to change the course of history? Wow. This is new...

Infinite: Jumping from time to time is gonna be quite fun.

Crystal: Well, these villains have no idea what's coming to them, and your Ultra Instinct form will be extremely useful, honey.

Infinite: Indeed it will, sweetheart.

Francis: Luckily, I have a Time Machine, so we can locate where these bastards will go and try to stop them from making changes in history.

(Y/N): Isn't time travel like super risky though?

Meggy: Hmm...

Infinite: Well, nothing should go wrong, but here's the thing. You can't alter anything in the past, nothing at all! You can't even change the tiniest detail! 

(Y/N): Wow, are the rules that strict?

Infinite: Yep.

Francis: If we're going to be fixing time though, then that means...

Meggy: We're going to have to deal with all of the villains we've tussled with before, and that includes...

Everyone looked over at Infinite.

Infinite: Hehe, yeah...that's awkward...

Deathwind: Never mind it, son. That was all in the past.

Tari: Yep.

SB123 Tari: Anyone want to play games?



???: Looks like the castle isn't far from here. Time to meet up with everyone.

Scar walked beside the mysterious person and purred.

???: Hehe, you're excited too, huh? I can't wait to see everyone's reactions-

Nazo: Who are you?

???: Huh?!

Scar let out a loud roar, which startled Nazo a little.

Nazo: I don't know who you are, but you look like another pest that needs to be crushed!

Nazo flew at the mysterious person, she teleported behind Nazo and kicked him in the pingas.

???: Take that!


Nazo fell to the floor and passed out.

???: So, it's you...I should kill you right now, Nazo...but I'll spare you for now. Be prepared for what's coming...

??? and Scar continued walking to the castle.

-Back with you...-

(Y/N): C'mon, Infinite!

Meggy: Tari, you can win this!

Infinite: No one can beat me at Xeno 2!

Tari: Oh, really? 

Infinite and Tari kept battling for a while on Xenoverse 2, and eventually Infinite won.

Crystal: Yay!

Tari: I...lost?

Infinite: That's what happens if you go against me playing as SSJ4 Goku, Tari.

Tari: Good game!

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