Hedgehog Brawl

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(Y/N): So, you apologized to SB123 Meggy?

Francis: Yes.

SMG4: We're gonna have to restrict you from drinking beer, dude.

Francis: WHAT?! Oh, come on!

SMG4: I'm just joking. But if you get drunk again then we will ban beer for you permanently.

Francis: Shit. Fine...

Meggy: Well, I'm glad SB123 Meggy is feeling better!

(Y/N): Same here, Meggy.

There was a knock on the door, Francis opened it and saw Infinite, Crystalonetta, SB123 Mario, and SB123 Meggy.

SB123 Meggy: Hi, guys!

All of the SB123 characters hugged SB123 Meggy.

SB123 Meggy: Whoa! Easy there, guys.

SB123 SMG4: Glad you're feeling better!

Francis: ...

(Y/N): Something the matter, Francis?

Francis: Huh? Nah, lil buddy.

SB123 Mario looked over at Francis and gave him a stern look.

Francis: -Don't give me that look you fatass, I just healed your wife!-

SB123 Mario: Hmm...

Crystalonetta: I'm gonna go bake some more brownies.

Infinite: Okay, sweetheart. I'll be with you in a minute.

Crystalonetta kissed Infinite on the cheek, and walked into the kitchen.

B0b: LoL...

SB123 B0b: i ThInK iNfInItE mAy GeT lAiD sOoN! (YOU LITTLE SHIT)

Infinite heard that, and turned red.

Infinite: EXCUSE ME?!

B0b: Oh ShIt!

SB123 B0b: W-wE WeRe JuSt JoKiNg!

(Y/N): -Chuckle- C'mon Infinite, they're just-

Infinite ran at both Bobs, and kicked them out the window.

B0b & SB123 B0b: Ow, OuR oVaRiEs!

Futaba: Oh dear, look at how red Infinite is...

SB123 Meggy: The Bobs shouldn't of done that.

Infinite: Argh...

Meggy: Calm down, Infinite.

Infinite: Phew...alright.

Infinite walked into the kitchen to help Crystalonetta make brownies.

(Y/N): So, I also heard that-

There was a loud explosion outside.

Francis: What the hell?!

Meggy: Let's check it out!

You ran outside, Nazo and Future Infinite were there.

Future Infinite: Hello again, mortals.

Nazo: Where is Infinite? I would like another fight with him.

(Y/N): Seriously?! Can't you villains just leave us alone?!

Meggy: We're tired of fighting!

Future Infinite: We do not care. 

Nazo: Those other villains are a disgrace. They don't even deserve the title of "Villain."

???: Hey, what are you two doing?

Meggy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now