Cooking Lessons

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You were sitting down on the couch, switching through different channels on the TV.

(Y/N): Ugh, there's nothing good on.

Meggy: Yeah, that sucks.

You heard some noise coming from the kitchen.

(Y/N): What's going on in there?

Meggy got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen, it was just Bowser making some chicken nuggets.

Bowser: HEY! Get out of here! I don't want anyone to reveal my chicken nugget recipe!

Meggy: Okay...?

Meggy walked out of the kitchen, and sat back down on the couch.

(Y/N): What was that all about?

Meggy: It's just Bowser going crazy, he's making chicken nuggets again.

Infinite and Crystal walked into the castle, along with ReaderFromWR, SB123 Mario, and SB123 Meggy.

Crystal: Hey, guys!

Meggy: What's up, Crystal?

Infinite: We want to teach SB123 Mario and SB123 Meggy how to cook!

(Y/N): Ooooh. Can we join in?

ReaderFromWR: Sure! 

Bowser heard the conversation, and walked out of the kitchen.

Bowser: Are you sure? Meggy and (Y/N) are very dangerous in the kitchen!

SB123 Meggy: Bowser, don't be mean.

Bowser: You're no better! All you can do is just heat Instant Noodles!

SB123 Mario: Oh hell no!

SB123 Mario ran at Bowser and kicked him in the nuts.


(Y/N): So, are we gonna have these lessons in the castle's kitchen?

Infinite: Nope. 

Infinite teleported everyone to the Pingas Restaurant. 

Meggy: Uhhh, why here Infinite?

SB123 Meggy: I was just about to ask that as well.

Infinite: Oh, I heard Baldy Nosehair got arrested for taking candy from a baby, and this place got shut down. However, the ovens and other equipment inside should still work.

Crystal: Okie dokie!

(Y/N): Well, let's head in.

You walked into the restaurant, the lights were flickering a little, and most of the tables were flipped.

ReaderFromWR: Didn't Mario and Bowser take this place over at one point for their cooking show?

SB123 Mario: Yeah, we did! It was a lots of fun!

SB123 Meggy: Mario told me all about it.

You went into the kitchen, which was surprisingly clean.

(Y/N): Huh. I thought the kitchen would be messy.

Crystal: Why is there an axe lodged into the wall?

SB123 Mario: Oh, hehe...


How to cook: ...Raisins?

SB123 Mario: Now! A simple dish! We're gonna make-

An old lady appeared out of nowhere.

Meggy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now