Dark History

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(Y/N): -Sigh- What happened yesterday was...ugh...Flame...

Meggy: We will always remember Flame...

You walked up to Meggy and hugged her tightly.

(Y/N): How are you feeling after today?

Meggy: Still feel guilty after making my friends train so hard, but I thank Mario for making me feel better...

(Y/N): Seeing you cry, though...it just hurt my heart...

Meggy hugged you back, and smiled.

Meggy: I'm fine now, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Okay, Meggy.

You shared a kiss with Meggy.

(Y/N): I love you, Meggy.

Meggy: I love you too, (Y/N).

Infinite, Werewolf Crystal, and Luna walked into the room.

Meggy: Hi, guys.

(Y/N): Crystal...

Werewolf Crystal: -Sniff- I-i'm okay, (Y/N). I know one thing...big bro wouldn't want me to cry. I've got to stay strong...

Luna: I can't believe Uncle Flame is gone...

Infinite: ...Crystal...

Werewolf Crystal: Yes, honey?

Infinite: I promise...I'm going to find a way to bring Flame back. It has to be possible.

Meggy: But I thought once someone's soul was destroyed, they can't come back to life at all...

Infinite: I did say that, but I believe there HAS to be a way.

Werewolf Crystal hugged Infinite tightly.

Werewolf Crystal: Thanks, honey...

Francis: Guys? S-sorry for interrupting your moment, but history has been changed again.

(Y/N): What part of history are we going to? And what's the change?

Francis: The Darkness Arc. And the change is that...argh...

Meggy: What is it?

Francis: M-mephiles...ended up...destroying Infinite's soul.

Infinite: Oh no...

Luna: W-what?! We gotta fix this quickly! Or something is going to happen to dad!

Meggy: Luna's right.

Francis: So, who's going?

SmeshBras123: I am. I won't kill him for history's sake, but if I see Mephiles, I am going to enjoy every hit I land on him.

(Y/N): I'm coming as well.

Meggy: Yep.

B0b: YeEt!

Francis: Wait, what? Bob, are you sure? You're not that strong... (Don't underestimate him, Francis)

B0b: ExCuSe Me? WaTcH tHiS!

Bob turned into a Super Saiyan Three. (Told ya)

Francis: Oh, wow.

SSJ3 B0b: HeLl YeAh!

SmeshBras123: A Super Saiyan Three at our side? Heh heh, this will be good.

SSJ3 B0b: i ThInK oF tHiS...aS a WaY oF sAyInG sOrRy To InFiNiTe AnD cRyStAl.

Infinite & Werewolf Crystal: Huh?

SSJ3 B0b: AfTeR wHaT i DiD oN aPrIl FoOlS, I fElT sUpEr GuIlTy, AnD tHiS iS mY wAy Of SaYiNg SoRrY.

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