Lost In the Woods...Again

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(Y/N): Yo, bob. Are you SURE this is the way?

Meggy: We've been out here for thirty minutes..i think we're lost.

B0b: NoNsEnSe! I kNoW tHiS iS tHe WaY tO mY nEw HoMe!

Mario: It's getting dark, and we're in the woods... we have the possibility of being mauled to death by a large ass bear.

Meggy started to panic.

(Y/N): Hey, it's fine meggy! I'll protect you from whatever tries to hurt us.

Meggy: A-alright then.

Meggy gave you a hug, bob looked away in disgust.

B0b: Ew... AnYwAys, i AdMiT i MaY oF fUcKeD up. So, I gUeSs We'Re StUcK hErE fOr ThE nIgHt.

Mario: Do we have any food?

Meggy: Yep. I brought pringles and a bag of skittles. (Wise choice...)

(Y/N): Yeah, we also brought spaghetti mario, don't you worry.


B0b: LuCkIly, I BrOuGhT tWo TeNtS. So, We DoN't HaVe To SlEeP iN tHe CoLd.

Meggy: Phew.

Mario: Well, i guess we should set our tents up.

-One brief construction montage later...-

(Y/N): And we're done!

It began to rain, thunder clapped in the distance.

Meggy: Let's get in!

You walked into the tent, it was medium sized, but was enough to fit two people.

(Y/N): You two okay over there?

B0b: YeP! tHiS tEnT iS cOzY!

Meggy: Wait, where are my pringles?

Mario was shoving the pringles into his mouth, then turned his head around to meggy.

Mario: Mario did an oopsie.

(Y/N): Goddammit mario! -Sigh- Well, at least we have more food.

Meggy: I am starting to get hungry. I'll eat a few of my skittles.

(Y/N): Could i have some?

Meggy: Sure!

You and meggy shared the skittles, while bob and mario talked about some other stuff.

B0b: So, MaRiO. HoW hAvE tHiNgS bEeN lAtElY?

Mario: Well-

A lightning bolt struck a tree outside, it began to fall.

(Y/N): Mario! Bob! Look out!

Mario and bob quickly jumped out of the tent, the tree fell on the tent, crushing it.

B0b: WeLl ShIt. ThErE gOeS oNe TeNt.

Mario: We can't fit in that tent you two are in!

B0b: WeLp. GuEsS wE'rE sTaYiNg OuT iN tHe RaIn.

Meggy: Brrr...it's so cold...

(Y/N): Here, put my hoodie on.

You took your hoodie off and gave it to meggy, she put it on and hugged you.

Meggy: Hehe, thanks.

(Y/N): No problem. I don't want you getting sick.

Some bushes started rustling.

Meggy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now