Demonic Power

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Francis: Hmm...

(Y/N): What's the matter, Francis?

Francis: Yeah, I feared this would happen.

Francis went over to the Time Machine and turned a screen on, it showed the big fight between you and Infinite during the Infinite Arc.

(Y/N): Oh no...has that been changed too?

Francis: Yes. Infinite is way more powerful than usual. That demonic energy has returned.

Meggy: That's not go-

Crystal and SmeshBras123 burst into the room, Crystal had Infinite in her arms.

Meggy: Huh?!

Futaba: What happened to Infinite?!

Crystal: T-the demonic's a-affecting his heart!

SmeshBras123 started to cry, you walked up to him and gave him a hug.

Luna: Dad!

Deathwind: Son!

Crystal: P-please...head back in time and get rid of that demonic energy...

Machito: Who's going, though?!

Francis: Uhhh...(Y/N), Scar, and...Uhhh...


Francis: Okay, Jesus Christ! Ravenger!

Ravenger: Infinite, I promise...I will get rid of this demonic energy...

Infinite gave a weak smile, and slowly winked.

(Y/N): Let's go!

Francis ran over to the Time Machine, and activated it. You were sent back to the big fight you and Infinite had in the past.

Luna: D-dad...stay with us...

(Y/N): Don't worry, guys. We'll deal with this.

Scar walked up to you and purred.

(Y/N): -Such an amazing creature...-

Ravenger: Alright, where are-

There was a medium-sized explosion in the distance, you ran over to the cliff and saw Classic Infinite summoning tons of illusions.

(Y/N): Alright, ready Scar and Ravenger?

Ravenger: Yep!

Scar growled, you jumped down, and began running towards the army of illusions.

Classic Meggy: Huh?

Classic Francis: Who are those guys?

Classic SMG4: I see two people and a sabertooth tiger...wait, one of those is (Y/N)!

Classic Fishy Boopkins: What's he doing?

Francis: Oh, wow. My past self.

Meggy: Ah, I remember this...I sacrificed myself to save (Y/N) from one of Infinite's attacks...

(Y/N): I see Classic Infinite and Classic me!

You charged through the illusion army, and hid behind a wall.

Classic (Y/N): Y-you're gonna pay for hurting the love of my life!

Classic Infinite: Yeah, right. And...

Classic Infinite's eyes turned from glowing red to glowing purple.

(Y/N): Wait, what?

Francis: Oh my god! G-guys...

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