Luke & Kevin

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-Meanwhile in the real world...-

Luke: Ah, the next video is almost done, Kevin!

Kevin: We should take a break. How about we react to some more Smash Ultimate memes on the Hobo Bros channel?

Luke: Sure!

The two meme gods began watching some memes, then their computer shut down.

Luke: What?

Kevin: The hell happened? Why did it shut off?

The two then heard Mario's voice.

Mario: Hoho, hello!

Luke: ...Mario...?

A portal opened up, and started to suck everything into it.

Kevin: AH!


Luke and Kevin got sucked into the portal, instead of Mario going into the real world, this time it's Luke and Kevin going into the game world.

-With you...-

You were playing Super Smash Each Other In The Ass Bros with Tari and Meggy, but you kept losing and losing against Tari.

(Y/N): Dang it! I lost again...

Tari: Hehe. Twenty matches lost in a row, today's not your lucky day.

(Y/N): Yeah, it's not.

Meggy: Well, better luck next time, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Heh, thanks, Meggy.

You gave Meggy a kiss on the cheek, she blushed.

Infinite: Hey, has anyone seen SMG4? 

(Y/N): No, I haven't... 

Meggy: Me neither! I saw him an hour ago, then he just vanished! 

Crystal: I'm sure he'll turn up at one point.

B0b: HeY, wHaT iS tHaT oUtSiDe?

Infinite: Hmm?

Infinite walked up to the window, there was a portal outside.

Infinite: Huh? 

Crystal: Let's go outside and check.

Infinite and Crystal walked out of the castle and approached the portal.

Infinite: Smesh? That you?

Luke and Kevin went flying out of the portal.

Luke: Ow, shit!

Kevin: Wait...are we-

Infinite: O-oh my god.

Crystal: Luke and Kevin?!

Luke: Wait, Infinite? What are you doing in the Mushroom Kingdom?

Infinite: Oh,'s a bit of a long story, but i'll tell ya later.

Kevin: Yo, Luke! Look where we are!

Luke: Huh?

Luke looked around, he then realized he was in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Luke: What the? 

Kevin: I'm so confused. 

Crystal: Wait, how did you two even get here?

Luke: Well, we were making a video for Hobo Bros, we heard Mario's voice, then we got sucked into a random portal.

Infinite: Wait...hang on, you two.

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