Golden spaghetti

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You were sitting on the couch with meggy and mario, you were watching a show, were they would do acrobatics.

Meggy: A lot of them are talented.

(Y/N): Indeed.

Mario accidentally sat on the remote, changing it to the news.

(Y/N): Could you change it back please?

Mario was about to turn the show back on, but then he heard the person on the TV say something about 'golden spaghetti.'

Mario: WAIT WHAT?!

Meggy: Uh oh, we aren't having the show back now.

Mario jumped at the TV and stared at the screen.


(Y/N): What's so special about golden spaghetti, mario?

Mario: It's the rarest kind! And apparently it is believed that there is only ONE plate of it left in the world! I MUST FIND IT!

Meggy: Well, i guess i can help.

(Y/N): If meggy's going, then i'm going.

SMG4: Oh great, more retarded adventure.

Infinite: Has it always been like this?

SMG4: Yes.

Mario picked you and meggy up, and took you to his newest car, the mario mobile 2!

Mario: Like it?

The car seemed a little broken, but it looked like it worked.

(Y/N): Just to be safe, i should drive.

Mario: Oh come on! This is the second time this has happened to me!

Meggy: No offense mario, but i have seen your driving, and you are pretty reckless on the road.

Mario: Awww, ok.

(Y/N): Do you have a GPS or a map? Did the dude on the TV even say where this is located?

Mario: Yes! He said it may be located on this island.

Mario got a map out, and pointed to a island with a volcano on it.

Meggy: Well, if that's our location, then let's go!

You started up the car, and began driving.

(Y/N): We will have to go by boat as well, we can't drive across the ocean.

Meggy freaked out a little.

Mario: You alright, meggy?

Meggy: Yeah...i just don't like the idea of travelling in a boat.

(Y/N): Oh yes, i forgot. Inklings hate water. But we won't encounter any catastrophe while we're out there.

Meggy: I hope not.

You kept driving for 10 miles, and you saw the ocean.

(Y/N): There it is!

Mario: I feel like turning on some music.

Mario turned on the radio, and 'his world' from sonic the hedgehog 06 started playing.

Meggy: This is cool! Nice music!

Mario then threw the radio out the window.

(Y/N): Mario! What the hell? I was enjoying that!

Mario: I ain't listening to any of that blue assholes music. Especially after what he did to us a few months ago.

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