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Infinite: Alright everyone, we're gonna go find Xeggy and Orange Angel, and make them pay.

Machito: Indeed. Let's do this.

You cracked your knuckles, and smiled.

(Y/N): Let's put Xeggy down for good this time.

Meggy: And Orange Angel.

Crystal: Let's go.

You walked out of the house with everybody else, Machito invited a few of his friends from his universe to help in the big fight.


Dark Squid Clone: Xeggy! They're coming!

Xeggy: Alright then. Get the clones ready.

Dark Squid Clone: Yes, Xeggy!

Orange Angel: You ready, Xeggy?

Xeggy: Yep. I want to kill Meggy for killing my boyf- I mean Wario-man!

Orange Angel smirked, Xeggy's face went completely red.

Orange Angel: I knew you two liked each other. Shame he's dead...

Xeggy: S-shut up!

Orange Angel giggled.

Orange Angel: Come on, let's go get em.

Xeggy and Orange Angel walked outside, the Masked Jackal and Flame followed them.

-Back with you...-

Infinite: I see them.

(Y/N): Get ready, everyone.

Meggy: Let's do this.

Orange Angel walked out from the crowd of Dark Squid and Zelus clones.

Machito: You.

Orange Angel: I see you got some friends to help you in this fight.

Ruby: Why Aqua?!

Weiss: It could of been any of us, but you chose Aqua?

Blake: You are gonna pay.

Xeggy: Oh, stop whining. She was a weakling, with no purpose in this world.

Machito: OH, THAT IS IT!

Machito ran at Xeggy and kicked her, sending her flying into a nearby building.

Machito: I'll take care of Xeggy!

(Y/N): Alright, me and Meggy will deal with Orange Angel!

Infinite: I'm gonna fight the Masked Jackal.

Crystal: Alright then, i'll fight Flame! Good luck, everyone!

Everybody else began fighting the Dark Squid and Zelus clones.

(Y/N): Ready to die?

Orange Angel: You will be the one to die.

Meggy got her Splattershot out and fired at Orange Angel, she deflected all of the shots and flew towards Meggy.

(Y/N): Oh no you don't!

You got in front of Meggy and kicked Orange Angel, which stunned her.

Orange Angel: OW!

Meggy: Eat this!

Meggy ran up to Orange Angel and began punching her in the face, you grabbed Orange Angel by the neck and began choking her.

Machito: You're gonna pay!

Machito slashed at Xeggy with his Wind Sabers, blood flew out of her chest.

Meggy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now