Taco Stand

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Infinite: Hey, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah, Infinite?

Infinite: Waluigi is at the door, and he won't stop crying.

(Y/N): Huh? Why?

Infinite: He wants someone to help him with his Taco Stand business.

(Y/N): Can't he just get his brother to help? -Sigh-

You went to the door and opened it, Waluigi was there doing puppy eyes.

Waluigi: Pppllleeeaaassseee...

Meggy: What's going on?

(Y/N): Waluigi here wants some help with his Taco Stand business.

Waluigi: Bro is too busy trying to scam people...

(Y/N): Well, that explains where Wario is.

Waluigi: Will you help me?

(Y/N): ...Meh. Why not? I'm bored.

Waluigi: Wah! I will pay you greatly! (That's nice, but we're kind of rich already...)

Meggy: Well, let's do it!

Waluigi picked you and Meggy up, then began running to his taco stand in the city.

-A few minutes later...-

Waluigi: Here we are! The customers will be here soon, so make as many tacos as you can!

(Y/N): Okie dokie!

Meggy: What's in here- OH GOD!

Bowser was in the room making out with a watermelon. (EW)


Bowser: WHAT? You don't like melon? I LOVE MELON!

Meggy slowly backed away.

Bowser: Oi, don't give me that look.

(Y/N): What happened?

Meggy: Bowser is in that room making love to a watermelon.

(Y/N): WHAT? Ugh...

Waluigi: Hey! We got our first customer for the day!

Francis: Hello! I would like a taco.

Waluigi: That'll be eighty-five dollars!

Francis: WHAT?

Waluigi: Wahaha! Just kiddin' bitch! It's two dollars.

Francis: Oh. -Chuckle- Here you go!

Francis gave the money, Waluigi threw the taco at Francis' face.

Francis: Thanks!

(Y/N): Well, i guess we better-

The ground began to shake.

Meggy: What's going on?

A huge crowd of people walked in front of  the taco stand.

Waluigi: WOW!

Big Smoke: TACOOOS!

Waluigi: -Uh oh...-

(Y/N): Is that Big Smoke? 

Meggy: Well, time to get cooking!

Big Smoke: I'll have two number nines...a number nine large, a number six with extra dip...a number seven...two number forty-fives, one with cheese, and a large soda.

Waluigi: Sir, this is not Cluckin' Bell.


Big Smoke jumped on Waluigi and began beating him up.

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