Familiar faces return

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You were in inkopolis with meggy playing turf war, there was only 3 minutes left.

Meggy: We got this in the bag!

(Y/N): Keep going, mario and tari!

Mario: Okie-dokie!

Tari: This is fun!

During your turf war match, something was happening in a certain part of inkopolis.

SMG3: Hey desti...take a look at this...

Desti: What is it, SMG3?

Desti looked at the computer and saw a very odd looking person.

SMG3: Who is that? I've never seen him before.

Desti: And he looks so strange...

The person then held his hands up in the air, and then a strike of lightning hit the ground.

SMG3: Huh?

All of a sudden, an inkling rose out of the ground.

Desti: D-did that person just...

The screen then turned black, along with the lights.

SMG3: Oh shit. It's probably just a power cut...

???: You think so?


The person then grabbed both villains by the neck.

???: Spying on me, huh? Rude. Anyways...come along...xeggy.

Xeggy came out of the shadows.

Desti: -W-what?! B-but...she was killed by meggy and her friends!-

SMG3: H-how...is she a-alive? 

Xeggy: You can thank my friend here. I want some revenge on meggy.

???: Hey, don't forget me, red eyes.

Wario-man appeared behind xeggy.

Xeggy: What do you want, fatass?

Wario-man: Hey, at least i'm not some backstabbing clone!

???: Stop fighting, you two. Anyways...i'm here to give a warning.

SMG3: W-what is your warning?!

???: When that jackal returns home, be prepared. Because hell will rise in inkopolis...anyways, xeggy, wario-man?

Xeggy & Wario-man: We got it. 

The two villains ran out of the room.

SMG3: W-who are you?

???: I won't reveal myself until my jackal friend comes home.

Desti: Y-you're an idiot for reviving both those villains! You don't know what they could do!

???: Hmph. I don't need to worry about anything at all. They're following me now. 

??? let go of both SMG3 and desti.

???: I will spare you both for now, but next time we meet, prepare for a most unpleasant demise.

The person then disappeared, the power came back on.

SMG3: W-what was that all about?

Desti: "Hell will rise in inkopolis..." I'm actually scared...what does he mean by that?

SMG3: He's gonna do something bad...i don't like this at all...

Desti: Let's just continue with what we were doing...

(Back with you)

Meggy: Yippie! We won!

(Y/N): Nice job, mario and tari!

Tari: Thanks...

Mario: That was a lots of fun!

Meggy: Let's head home, i want to rest up.

(Y/N): Alright then.

Mario: Wait...who is that?

Mario pointed at an inkling who had a few other dead inklings around it.

Tari: I'm getting some bad feelings here...

Meggy took a closer look, as soon as she saw the familiar face, her heart started to beat very fast.

Meggy: S-she's back!?

(Y/N): What?

Suddenly, xeggy teleported in front of you.

Xeggy: Heya!


Tari: H-how is she...

Xeggy: Silence.

(Y/N): H-how are you back from the dead?! 

Xeggy: You can thank a friend of mine, and he brought someone else back too...

Wario-man levitated down to the ground near xeggy.

Mario: Him as well?!

Wario-man: Wahahahahahaha! 

Meggy: What are you two planning to do!?

Xeggy: If we told you, it wouldn't be a surprise!

Wario-man: Indeed. I don't want to spoil it. Anyways, we're going to be patient and wait for our master's friend to return home. Prepare yourselves for what will come.

Both villains disappeared right in front of your eyes, then meggy grabbed you.

Meggy: I won't let that freak turn you to dust again!

(Y/N): Sshh. It's ok, meggy.

Mario: Guys, we gotta warn our friends about this!

Tari: Mario's right. This was unexpected today...

You and meggy ran towards the pipe and jumped in, mario and tari followed.

(Y/N): GUYS! You won't believe what just happened!

SMG4: What is it?

Meggy: We just got out of a turf war match...then we came across some familiar villains...

SMG4: V-villains? Y-you...you don't mean...those two?

(Y/N): Unfortunately, yes. They're back, and they're not alone.

SMG4: Not alone?

Meggy: Xeggy mentioned that she and wario-man were revived by someone, she didn't give their name out though.

SMG4: We're dealing with a trio of villains?! This is not good at all...

Tari: Luckily, they're not going to attack us yet, but they did say they will when their master's friend comes home.

SMG4: Master's friend? Wait...infinite? What could they want with him?

(Y/N): No idea, but-

Francis: Well, my mind's completely fried now, but i'm looking forward to fighting wario-man again.

(Y/N): Looks like xeggy just wants to die a second time. And i'll grant that wish.

SMG4: We shouldn't get cocky. They could be more powerful than they were before.

Meggy: He's right.

Mario: I'll be ready to kick some ass!

(Y/N): Let's get on with our day, when the time comes for the villains to strike, we'll be ready.

Everyone nodded.

(A new arc begins soon...it will probably be the most intense arc on this story by far, let's just say...things will get chaotic. Real chaotic.)

Anyways, lata!

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