The Decision

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You were watching Saw II with Meggy, Infinite and Crystal. Meggy looked over at Infinite, he looked upset.

Meggy: Infinite? Are you...okay?

Infinite: Yeah...

Crystal: Are you sure, honey?

Infinite: Ye- Actually, I'm not. Not at all.

(Y/N): What's happened?

Infinite: You remember the fight I had with Reader?

Meggy: Yes...?

Infinite: Well, things have just gotten worse since then. And now i'm currently under pressure because of a decision I gotta make.

(Y/N): What's the decision? 

Infinite: Either continue the way I'm going now, or just stop. Reader thinks that I'm blinded by revenge...but I'm not.

Meggy: Huh?

Infinite: I just wanted revenge on Mephiles for killing my brothers and sisters. After we discovered Orange Angel and Xeggy were alive, I didn't want to risk keeping them alive either. Now all of these villains have returned somehow.

Crystal: And have you made your decision yet, honey?

Infinite: Not yet. But maybe a good sleep will help. I'm getting tired.

Crystal let out a yawn which turned into a howl.

Crystal: Yeah, I'm feeling sleepy as well.

Meggy: Alright then, you two.

(Y/N): Good night. We'll continue watching

Meggy: Yeah. I don't know why, but I'm starting to get into this film. (Well, the Saw franchise was pretty good for the first three movies, and then the story got confusing lol)

Infinite began to carry Crystal, and walked into their room.

Meggy: -Yawn-

(Y/N): You tired as well?

Meggy: Yep...

(Y/N): Okay then.

You turned the TV off, and lied down on the couch, Meggy cuddled with you.

Meggy: -Giggle-

(Y/N): Night, Meggy.

Meggy: Night, (Y/N).

You closed your eyes, and fell asleep.

-The next day...-

You woke up, and cracked your neck.

(Y/N): -Yawn- Morning, Meggy.

Meggy: Morning, (Y/N).

Meggy gave you a kiss on the cheek, you blushed.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Infinite and Crystal walked down the stairs, Infinite looked a lot more better than yesterday.

Crystal: Hi, you two!

Infinite: Before I announce my decision, I want to find Reader. I need to talk to him.

Meggy: -Uh oh...-

(Y/N): -Please do not argue again...-

SB123 SMG4: I believe Reader is playing Super Smash Each Other In The Ass Bros with Tari, SB123 Meggy, Machito, and Saiko.

Infinite: Okay then. Thanks for telling me, SB123 SMG4.

You got up from the couch, and followed Infinite into the room where Reader, Tari, Machito, Saiko, and SB123 Meggy were.

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