Battle of Deities

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Infinite: I'm looking forward to this.

(Y/N): Hmm? What's that, Infinite?

Crystal: Infinite is going to fight... God of Destruction Beerus!

SB123 Mario: Oh no...

SB123 Meggy: Infinite... A-are you REALLY sure you want to do this?!

Meggy: T-this is crazy!

Infinite: Don't worry guys. You all know how strong I am. ReaderFromWR went up against Beerus, and somehow survived. But this time, he'll be fighting another god.

Crystal: Beerus will be coming here soon, so we'll all have a front-row seat to the fight!

Mario: Oooooooh. 

Francis: This is gonna be entertaining.

Machito: Good luck, brother.

Infinite: Thanks, Machito.

(Y/N): This will be an interesting fight.

SMG4: Indeed.

SB123 SMG4: So, while we wait for Beerus to arrive, what shall we do?

Tari: How about we play some video games?

Everyone: YEAAAHHHH!!!

You started to play video games, and waited for Beerus to arrive.

-Two hours later...- (Patrick: Hurry it up, I'm seriously running out of time cards)

Tari: Wow! That was a lot of fun!

SB123 Tari: What video game shall we play next?

(Y/N): Hmm... How about-

Infinite: Oh, guys?

Machito: Beerus has arrived.

Angelina: Here we go.

Beerus and Whis walked into the castle.

Infinite: Lord Beerus? Are you ready for our fight?

Beerus: Yes. I've been excited for this.

SB123 Meggy: -Oh jeez... This could go two ways...-

Luna: Good luck, dad!

Infinite: Thanks, Luna!

Whis: I will teleport us to the castle roof, so we have a better view.

Meggy: Let's go.

Whis teleported everyone to the castle roof, as Infinite and Beerus levitated into the air.

Beerus: Give me your best shot, jackal!

Infinite yelled and turned into his Super form, he flew at Beerus and threw a punch, which he blocked.

(Y/N): Jesus Christ... Did everyone else feel that shockwave?

Everyone nodded.

Super Infinite and Beerus started to throw punches at each other.

Angelina: Wow.

ReaderFromWR: I wonder if he'll be able to beat Beerus?

Deathwind: Y'know, you should of talked with Infinite before you fought Beerus, Reader...

Machito: Yeah, Infinite got kinda mad at you.

Beerus grabbed Super Infinite by the tail, and threw him into the city.

Super Infinite: WHOA!

SmeshBras123: Infinite!

(Y/N): Now that was a throw...!

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