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The next day, I slept in until noon, something that wasn't abnormal for me. I would wake up around seven or eight, turn over, look at the time, and then immediately go back to bed until my body wouldn't let me sleep any longer. The comfort of being wrapped in warm blankets while the rest of my room was freezing was something I didn't want to give up.

Around one, I finally dragged myself out of bed, my blanket still wrapped around me, and stepped into the bathroom where I spent another hour getting ready. I had slipped on another high-waisted skirt that reached a bit above my ankles exposing my bare feet. This one was a soft shade of green with bits of red and blue mixed in. I pulled on a tight, off-shoulder crop top, smiling at my reflection in the mirror. I styled my hair so my curls were more defined, and I filed over a few pieces so it sat a bit higher on my head. I debated on pulling on a pair of shoes before shaking my head. It wasn't a huge deal to wear shoes around Santa Carla. If you were barefoot, it almost always meant that you were simply a local. None of the businesses minded, so I didn't either.

I slipped out of my bedroom and made my way to the kitchen where I grabbed a bowl of cereal before pulling myself up onto the counter and stared into my house quietly. I need a dog. I huffed and scooped another bite into my mouth. Why don't I have one? I could bring him to the shop, too. Get one of those doggie things to attach to my bike. I giggled a bit at the thought. It wouldn't be that bad of an idea to get one though. Probably make me feel a bit safer, too. It'll be my little protector. Well, I knew I wasn't going to get a small dog, but all dogs were small in my head.

Maybe I could get one tonight while I was out. Marigold could help me pick one. I nodded a bit and dumped my bowl in the sink. Now, how am I going to waste the next the next four hours?

I had done absolutely nothing those four hours. After stifling through my small collection of books, fiddling with the radio, and trying to draw something decent even though I had no inspiration, I had taken to staring at nothing while listening to awfully loud music for the last two hours. The DJ on the radio telling me that it was now six twenty-four brought me out of my thoughts, and I jumped up. I made sure I still looked presentable and grabbed a good seventy dollars, knowing I would be spending a lot on my new pet tonight, and stuffed it in my bra as I had nowhere else to put it. I grabbed my keys and also made note of the fact that I really needed a purse as well.

I locked up the house and clambered onto my motorcycle and took off as the sun began to set. The boardwalk was already teeming with life, though most children and parents were already home. The night was for the teenagers and troublemakers ready to jump at the chance to have a good time.

I was a good thirty minutes early, so I chained up my bike where I normally did before looking around. A few feet away seemed to be a jewelry stand, but I could make out a small collection of cross-body bags that would be perfect for me. So, I made my way over, making sure to stay out of people's ways.

I grabbed my money from my bra on the way and smiled at the girl running the stand as I approached. She sent me a tired look, but she was kind nonetheless. "Hey, can I ask how much the bags are?"

The girl looked over and picked one up, checking the small tag on it. "Well, it says five, but nobody really buys these, so I can give you it for like two because it's not like we're gonna miss it." She blew a purple bubble of gum and popped it easily.

I nodded and grabbed it before I caught sight of something else. A brown and green dreamcatcher sat beside a few oddly colorful ones, a tag that read three dollars sticking out. It was beautiful, I couldn't deny. "Hey, can I get that dreamcatcher as well?"

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