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Things fell into an easy rhythm again after that, but things were getting harder for Star and I. Another two months had passed with winter rolling in. The cave was incredibly cold, and the boys had taken to buying heaters for us half-vampires much to Marko's annoyance. He complained that we could just turn full and the problem would be solved, but Star was still wary about it. I could tell she was getting more used to the idea, though.

It had been revealed to me that her mother had been killed by someone. Nobody knew who, but Laddie and Star were now on missing posters around the boardwalk after their grandparents found out. The police weren't investigating that much seeing as how they were most likely dead, but they had to be a bit more careful.

Laddie had grown more onto the boys, and he was often found with Paul or Dwayne. He explained that David was too scary for him, and Marko was always with birds. Laddie didn't like birds.

Rain had started sleeping in our room on the floor. I set up a small area after he started walking in after us. I didn't mind, but the boys complained about the smell. I rolled my eyes and playfully hit them, knowing they would let him sleep in there if I asked. Plus, they got a reward the next night for it when Star took Rain and Laddie out to the boardwalk.

Laddie had complained about not being able to lay with him anymore, but I told him he would get to hang out with him during the night, so it shouldn't matter that much.

The only thing wrong recently was the growing stomach cramps. Of course, I had had them for a bit, but they were getting worse and worse. The boys had taken to letting me drink from them when it got bad, but Star didn't have that advantage. There were many nights where she couldn't even get out of bed from how much it hurt.

Those were nights where I would lay with her and send the boys out with Laddie. Those were nights where we would talk about anything and everything to the point where I practically knew everything about her from the simple things like her favorite color to old childhood memories and aspirations. Some nights, we would just lay there, though, and we'd listen to music that played quietly out of the record player or boombox.

This night was a good night, though. The boys and I had decided to have an off day and just get drunk and high off our asses. Star and Laddie were laying by their beds, and I could hear Laddie explaining his comic books to her. Star had stated that she hadn't wanted to join in and that she would take care of Laddie. I had given her a small smile and hug and let her go on her way.

Marko had disappeared only to come back with a large bag of weed and cases of different kinds of alcohol. He handed me the ones we shared, the fruity kinds that didn't burn as much yet still got the job done. Dwayne shared a bottle of whiskey with David, and Paul clutched a bottle of vodka close to him.

I was currently laying on the fountain with a joint in between my lips and three bottles of alcohol beside me. My eyes were bloodshot and hurting, and I could hear Paul talking animatedly to Marko who was currently drawing David who didn't know.

I made out the sound of someone's boots clunking against the ground, and soon, I was met with the sight of Dwayne standing over me, a lazy smile on his face. He dropped to sit on the ground beside me, and I immediately grabbed a few strands, rolling it through my fingers, thinking about how he needed a trim for his dead ends.

I took a long drag from my blunt before dropping it, knowing it was completely through. I blew out the smoke and lifted myself from the fountain, so I could move and drop into Dwayne's lap, facing him. The silly smile stayed on his face, and it made me smile back. The song changed from 'Without Love' to 'I'd Die For You.' Dwayne's hands slid up my top, pressing his cold hands against my sides as he leaned forward to kiss me. I hummed and placed my hands on his chest, kissing him back languidly. Our movements were slow and sloppy, and I felt peaceful.

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