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I woke up to someone carding their fingers through my hair while someone else was running their hands up and down my sides. I let out a soft groan and tried to roll over only to discover that I was pressed between two bodies. I opened my eyes slowly and stared up at the familiar face of Marko. A silly grin rested on his face as he looked at me, and I grumbled lightly and turned my head a bit to see long blonde, teased hair resting on my shoulder. Paul. I turned back to Marko, resting in his embrace.

"Where are the others," I mumbled, my voice hoarse from just waking up.

Paul answered, his movements on my sides stopping as he rested his hand right on the dip of my side. "They went to go get Star. You slept in longer than usual, and they didn't want to wake you up."

I nodded and rubbed my eyes. "How much longer do we have?"

"I'd say about thirty minutes," Marko replied.

I nodded and readjusted myself a bit. Paul groaned a bit as I rubbed against his crotch. I laughed in response and looked at Marko. "Wanna make out or somethin'?"

Marko grinned at the question and lunged forward, his lips capturing mine easily. Paul eased me away from Marko after a few moments, picking me up and pulling me into his lap. Marko followed, his lips touching mine again when I was settled in Paul's lap. Paul's hands ran down my sides again before cupping my breasts as he ran his lips across my shoulder, kissing random spots. I moaned lowly as I felt fangs drag across my skin. "Paul," I mumbled, pulling away from Marko for a second. "You know you can't do that." Paul whined a bit but nodded, continuing his assault on my neck.

Marko's hands reached for my shirt, dragging up and off of me. David had put one of his shirts on me last night, the shirt slightly loose and longer than what I was used to. It served well as a nightshirt, though. Marko seemed to prefer it off, though, as he threw it across the room.

I groaned as Paul moved away. Marko did as well, and I moaned a bit as the two connected their lips with me pressed between them. It was a heavy kiss, and I watched as Marko bit at Paul's lip before pulling away and turning back to me. I moved to kiss Paul from over my shoulder only to be disrupted by a low whine. I turned to see Rain sitting at the entrance of the room. I pulled away from my boys and bent down to pet Rain, rolling my eyes when one of them smacked my ass. "Hey, bud, what's wrong?"

Rain whined and pointed his head to the cave. "David's back," Paul stated, pulling himself out of bed. I watched as he shrugged on his mesh shirt and leather jacket while Marko did the same. I moved over to the small closet set-up I had going on and slid on a high-waisted, knee-length pleated skirt and loose black shirt I had stolen from Dwayne and cut into a crop top. He complained a bit, but I simply rolled my eyes, stating that he never wore his shirts anyway and that I looked better than him in it. Dwayne simply took a few kisses as payment.

"You guys think I'm going to like her," I questioned as we walked down the hall, Rain right on my heels.

Paul shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. She doesn't seem terrible."

I nodded, and we entered the main cave easily. I looked around and finally saw her. She was gorgeous, I couldn't deny that. She would have been my type if I hadn't been with the boys. She had long, brown, curly hair that was pushed high. She wore a white tank top and a long purple gypsy skirt that I admired. She was beautiful along with her style.

What surprised me was the small boy standing beside her, clutching her skirt just a bit. He had brown hair a similar color to Star's. He couldn't have been older than ten. He was dressed in a simple band shirt and blue jeans with tennis shoes on his feet while Star's were bare. He looked at me curiously as I did the same with him.

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