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Paul let out a soft moan as I sunk my teeth into his shoulder. I felt him shudder in pleasure and grip my ass. Marko was right behind me, his lips pressed against my throat, sucking hickeys into the pale skin. I took long pulls of blood from him. To anyone else, it would look like I was simply kissing his neck. No one could see my fangs buried deep in his veins.

I pulled away from him with a gasp, and Paul immediately pushed his lips onto mine, kissing me forcefully. Marko chuckled from behind me and nipped at my neck, dragging his tongue across the hickeys.

Paul pulled away and chuckled at my flustered state. "You good now, doll?"

I nodded slowly, taking a moment to catch my breath. He grinned, and I felt myself get lifted onto the railing of the boardwalk. I immediately wrapped my arms around Paul's shoulders. He laughed in response and wiggled his way out of my grip only for Marko to replace him. Marko placed his hands on my hips and pulled my face down to kiss me like Paul had.

I felt myself get lost in the contact, and the hunger cramps that were shocking my body had disappeared. Summer had finally approached, but things were getting worse. I didn't know how much longer I would be able to take it before I vamped out and killed someone unintentionally.

I let myself go for quite a few minutes, and we only pulled away completely when David called our names. I looked up with a dazed look, and I could feel that my lips were way puffier than normal. David sent me a devilish smirk, and I gave him a lazy smile. He curled his finger for me to come to him, and I jumped down from the railing on shaky legs.

I sauntered over to him and grinned as he pulled me into his arms. "Enjoying yourself, baby?"

I nodded and hummed, laying my head on his shoulder as I listened to the sound of someone playing the saxophone on stage. Apparently, there was a concert tonight. Paul originally wanted to go, but after I showed how much pain I was in, he instead stayed with me and distracted me. The boys had disappeared for a few moments to terrorize Max, but they returned shortly after, and I had rolled my eyes at their behavior.

David's fingers pressed against the uncovered skin on my back and chuckled as I shivered. "Want to go home?"

I nodded slowly and smiled softly as he tugged a hand through my hair. "When Star gets back, sure."

David nodded back. "Oh, oh," Paul yelled out. I turned to see him raising his hand as if he were in school and knew the answer. I raised my eyebrows. He grinned brightly. "Can you ride on my bike tonight? You rode with David on the way here!"

I chuckled and nodded, and he threw a fist in the air happily. Marko grinned his Cheshire grin and he bit his thumb.

Dwayne stepped over and grinned. He held a box of Chinese food for me, and I thanked him and took it, leaning against the railing as I ate quickly. Paul kept trying to take some of my food, and I kept swatting him away, growling teasingly. I rolled my eyes as he let out a loud whine and pouted.

The boys began climbing on their bikes once I had thrown away my trash as they got ready to leave. I could see Star's hair bobbing in the crowd, and I gingerly climbed onto Paul's bike, chuckling as he grabbed my thigh and squeezed it.

I turned to see Star break through the crowd closely followed by a boy with dark brown hair and a pretty face. Of course, he wasn't as pretty as my boys, but he had something about him. He looked like someone Star would like. Star gave me a small smile and climbed on David's bike with a bit of his help. I looked between the two of them with raised eyebrows. The boy looked like a kicked puppy, almost like how Paul looked the first night I saw him and he saw me with Marigold.

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