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I awoke to the feeling of lips right behind my ear. I was sandwiched between two people, and as I slowly opened my eyes, I realized it was Dwayne and David. Dwayne was behind me, and his lips were dragging at the exposed skin right behind my ear. David was sucking on my neck, his teeth dragging along it every time he pulled away.

I moaned lowly and sighed. David grinned against me and pulled up so he was face-to-face with me. "Good morning, beautiful. Well, good night, I should say."

I chuckled a bit, my mind still hazy with sleep. I lifted my hand and pressed it against his face, dragging it to mine softly. He complied and kissed me softly, and I relished in the soft groans he released. "It's quite a good night indeed with you boys here," I stated as I pulled away.

David grinned. "Star and Laddie are out tonight, so what do you want to do?"

I hummed in consideration, feeling Dwayne's hands draw patterns against the bare skin of my waist. "I can think of a few things," I stated and pushed David over. I pulled myself from Dwayne's hold and turned my body so I was straddling David's waist. He raised his eyebrows at the position, and his hands rested on my thighs, tugging me forward just a bit.

"And what would that be, princess?"

I grinned and rolled my hips softly, watching him let out a small groan. "This." I grinded into him softly, feeling him grow hard under me. He groaned, and his hands tightened just enough. I reached back and unclipped my bra, throwing it across the room. A chorus of groans rang out through the room.

"How far are you willing to go, baby," he questioned, watching me with hooded eyes.

I gave him a soft smirk and leaned forward so I was closer. "All the way, David."

David let out a soft growl and pulled me tighter to him. "Are you sure you're ready?"

I hummed and nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready. Let me give myself to you guys." I kissed him softly. "Completely."

David pulled me to kiss him once again, and he leaned up and flipped us so I was below him. I could feel the other boys' eyes on me, but it didn't matter to me. I felt Dwayne grab my hand again and softly trace along it, bringing my knuckles up to his mouth every few moments so he could kiss them.

David sat in between my legs, and he rolled his hips forward to meet mine. I groaned at the feeling of being so close to him. Only his boxers and my panties separated us, but even that was too much. My body was slowly heating up as his hands trailed down my sides and to the top of my underwear. Slowly, teasingly, he dragged them down my legs, moving backward with them. I shivered at the cold air, and David grinned at the action.

He made his way back up, his hands dragging along my thighs and then cupping my heat. I whimpered softly and grabbed his arm. He leaned forward and kissed me again, his fingers dragging along my folds, collecting the juice that was slowly gathering. His lips barely distracted me as he pressed two fingers against my entrance and pushed in. I shuddered and pulled away, my hands grabbing at his back. I heard a soft 'fucking hell' from one of the boys, but I was focused on the feeling of David pushing in and out of me, a steady rhythm that had me moaning loudly.

David watched me with what I can only make out to be awe and pride on his face. I could feel my release building higher and higher only for David to pull back when I was teetering on the edge of my release. I let out a loud whine and looked up at him with dazed eyes.

David sent me a teasing smirk, and I watched as he discarded his boxers and slowly lined up with my entrance. He pressed against me and pushed in slowly, almost hesitantly. I groaned at the feeling, and my head fell back. He filled me easily, and it hurt more than I thought it would. I was no longer a virgin.

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