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I stumbled off the roller-coaster and straight into Paul's arm. I listened to Laddie's cheering from the experience and shook my head. That ride always got to me. I felt Paul grab my thighs, and I immediately jumped so I could wrap my legs around him. I pulled my head back and planted my lips on his for a moment before giving him a smile.

"Enjoy yourself?"

I groaned and shook my head, leaning my head back on his shoulder. "One time was fine, but five in a row is not!"

Paul laughed, and we began walking. I only pulled away when I felt myself get set on the seat of his motorcycle. "David thinks Michael is going to be here soon, so we're gonna wait here on the bikes. Intimidate him, y'know."

I snorted and shook my head again, grabbing the blunt from his jacket. I fetched a lighter from the back pocket of my jeans and lit it easily. Paul raised his eyebrows and leaned toward me with a stupid smile on his face. "Not even gonna ask?"

I grinned and blew the smoke out in his face, making him narrow his eyes teasingly. "Nope."

Paul lunged forward and locked his lips with mine, biting down on my lower lip. I groaned against him and chased his lips as he pulled away, but he simply laughed and sat himself down on the bike. I huffed and pouted before taking another drag of the weed.

I laid my head on Paul's back and watched as Dwayne helped Laddie up onto his bike. Marko was staring at me with a grin as he bit his thumb. I sent him a wink in response. David was sitting on his bike smoking a cigarette. I had to admit, the sight was pretty. I had never found smoking attractive until I watched the boys do it.

David blew out the smoke from his cigarette, and I watched as his eyes grew trained on someone. Following his gaze, I watched Star follow the boy from before to his bike. David narrowed his eyes slightly, and he started his engine. Everyone followed, and soon, we had surrounded the poor boy and Star.

Star looked like a deer caught in the headlights for a second before her face turned stone-cold. My grip tightened a bit around Paul.

"Where are you going, Star," David questioned, his voice smooth and intimidating.

Star paused for a second. "For a ride," she responded. "This is Michael."

I froze at that and looked at her, worried. Michael was the boy we were supposed to turn, and it was Star's crush – possibly even more to her.

David's look was calculating, and I could tell he was thinking hard though he kept a cool persona. Michael went to reach for Star's hand. "Come on," he spoke with a slight smirk on his face.

"Star," David chided in response. Star snapped her head to David, and I wanted to cringe at the tension between the three. David was mad. I could feel it. Michael was a bit hurt, and Star was conflicted.

Star gave David a look that screamed anger, before letting out a breath and silently climbing onto his bike. Paul and Marko laughed quietly, Paul hitting the handle to his bike. I sent Star a sad smile to which she responded to with a tight-lipped one, and I focused on David as he spoke. He looked a bit more smug than usual. "You know where Hudson's Bluff is, overlooking the point?"

Michael looked away and grinned to himself. "I can't beat your bike."

"You don't have to beat me, Michael. You just have to try and keep up."

Dwayne looked back to Laddie and mumbled, "we're going for a ride."

Paul let out an excited laugh, and we all pulled out. David led followed by Paul and me, Marko, Dwayne, and Michael trailed behind. We jumped the stairs and made our way down the beach, increasing speed. I held tightly to Paul, laughing at the speed and hollering with the boys. We rode over the beach, under the boardwalk, and through the woods, and I watched as we got closer to our home. I looked back every now and then to see Michael following, though he was a bit more hesitant in the turns and jumps. He followed, though, and I could tell the boys were silently impressed.

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