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Three weeks passed, and I could tell David was getting antsy about Star and me. We still hadn't fed, and it was annoying him just a bit. He was trying to be patient with me, but Star whined every time we brought it up. I wanted to wait until Star fed for the first time, so we could do it together. I figured that it might make things easier for the two of us if we had someone right there.

My hunger was beginning to hurt, though. I would get harsh cramps that I was slowly getting used to, but it was getting harder to be out on the boardwalk, and I was almost never in the sun anymore.

Today, however, I was going to ignore the cramps and urges, and I was going to go out. It was Halloween, after all, and I felt like everyone needed something to lighten their moods. We weren't wearing costumes, but Star and I were more dressed up than normal. We blended in with the boys just a bit more, and I felt good. Star and I had woken up a few hours early, though it was incredibly hard to draw myself from the bed, and we helped each other get ready considering we couldn't use a mirror all too well.

I was clad in high-waisted black leather pants. A red cropped tank top exposed part of my stomach that the pants didn't cover, and a belt matching the red of the top hung around my waist, though it didn't do much. I stuffed ankle boots over my feet, and a black leather jacket I had stolen from Marko – considering he never wore it – was pulled on over my shirt. My hair was a bit higher than normal, something that required me sneaking back in the room and stealing one of Paul's many bottles of hairspray. At least one ring sat on each one of my fingers except my left ring finger. Each ring was a gift from the boys, and they were all real. I loved looking at them shine under soft sunlight. Star had done my makeup consisting of smoky eyeshadow, black mascara to cover my blonde eyelashes, thin eyeliner, a bit of blush and highlight, but not much, and bold red lipstick.

Star was dressed in her normal white tank top, but she borrowed one of my mid-thigh black skirts and pulled a belt around it considering I was bigger than her. She had on a wide black jacket with gold tassels on the arms and embroidered roses on the front pulled on as well. It had been a gift from Paul; Star and I had stayed in the cave all night, and when they returned, Paul threw the jacket at her, saying he got it because it reminded him of her. She was in love with it, and I loved how they were warming up to her. She had on ankle boots as well, and her hair was thrown in her normal curly style. I put makeup similar to mine on her, but it was a bit lighter because I knew she didn't like heavy makeup. Plus, she had more natural beauty than me, and it was something I admired about her. She also had large, gold, hoop earrings in her ears, and a few different bracelets sat on her wrists.

We both looked hot.

The boys walked out a few minutes after we had finished getting ready. I had been waking up Laddie, telling him that we were going out, when I felt someone place their hands on my hips. I immediately stood up properly and turned to see Marko grinning a Cheshire cat grin. I rolled my eyes and gave him a good morning kiss before pulling Laddie out of my bed. The kid took a few moments to realize what was going on before he was running to get his jacket and shoes. Dwayne had recently gifted him with a jacket in the style of a marching band uniform, and Laddie absolutely loved it, wearing it everywhere he could.

I giggled as Marko took my hand and pulled me toward the lobby where the others were waiting. David was sitting in his wheelchair throne with his leg thrown over one of the sides. He grinned when he saw me and motioned me over with the curl of his finger. I raised my eyebrows and sauntered over to him, swinging my hips a bit more than normal. His smirk told me that he liked it quite a bit.

Once I got in arms reach, David grabbed my hips and pulled me forward so I bent down to his height. He leaned forward just a bit and pressed his lips against mine. I chuckled and pulled away, shaking my head at his red-stained lips. "I wouldn't recommend doing that all too much, baby. Gonna get lipstick all over you." I rubbed my thumb against his mouth and got rid of the smudged lipstick on his mouth.

black roses | The Lost Boys (1987)Where stories live. Discover now