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I swung my hips in time with the music as Paul placed his hands on them, pulling my back to his front. I hummed along to the music and pushed my arms behind me, wrapping them around his neck as I continued to dance. "I wanna know what love is," I sang along, smiling as Paul kissed my cheek. "I want you to show me."

Paul spun me around so I was facing him and gathered me in his arms again. "I wanna feel what love is," he sang back. "I know you can show me." I giggled as he pulled a silly face and spun again. My skirt spun with it, and I loved the feeling of it flowing around. Thigh-high socks rested on my legs, but I had no shoes, so I was easily able to move with Paul. He dipped me after he spun me, and I giggled as he pressed his lips against mine.

I pulled away, though, when I heard Star's voice ring through the cave. "Evangeline? David? Dwayne?" I turned to see her walking down the steps, a happy Laddie following her steps.

I stepped away from Paul and bounced over to her, offering a hug as she made her final steps in. Star stepped into her arms, and she let out a quiet sob. I frowned, holding her as she cried softly into my arms. "Hey, what happened," I questioned, watching as Laddie ran over to Dwayne who picked him up easily. I shushed her crying easily, rubbing her back slowly as she calmed down. "What happened?"

"My fucking mom," she cried out softly, holding me a bit tighter. "She's such a fucking bitch." I frowned as she cursed, afraid Laddie might hear it.

"Tell me about it."

Star sniffled a bit and pulled back, but I still held her hands, trying to make her feel a bit comforted. "I was making Laddie dinner, and she stumbles in drunk off her ass. She asks what I'm doing, and I tell her, and she gets mad, says I'm wasting food, called me ungrateful when I told her Laddie needed to eat, and then smacked me. I'm scared. She's never hurt me before." I took a closer look at her face, noticing that half her face was redder than the other.

I pulled her into me again, holding her as she cried again. "Hey, we're going to take care of you, okay? Just stay here. Be one of us, Star. You wouldn't have to worry about her again." In the corner of my eye, David sat up a bit. Star sniffled and nodded, and Marko quickly stood up and went to retrieve the bottle of blood. "You want to stay with us, Star?"

Star nodded again. "Yes." She pulled away slowly, and I took the bottle from Marko who kissed me on the temple as he handed it to me. I smiled and handed it to her. Marko had already removed the top.

"There will be a price to pay like there is for anything good, but if you want to stay with us, drink this."

Star seemed to mull over my words for a few minutes before she tentatively lifted it to her lips and tilted it back, taking two large gulps. I grinned as she pulled away, and the boys clapped.

Paul wrapped his arm around the two of us before turning to Star. "Welcome to the group, girl!"

Star let out a small breath and nodded, a small smile growing on her face. Her eyes looked dreamy as the side effects of the liquid seeped in. I had watched a few of them drink from the bottle, and it looked like a drunken high every time. It was pretty funny.

I moved and sat on David's lap as Star collapsed on a coach. Laddie looked at her with worried eyes, but Dwayne pulled his attention away by pulling him to the art supplies. I turned my attention to David who was looking at me with a small smile. I snagged the joint from his lips and took a drag. "You okay, sweetheart," he questioned as I handed the funny cig back to him. I blew the smoke in his face, and he laughed at the action.

"I'm perfect, David," I replied.

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? After last night, I just want to make sure you're okay."

I laid my head on his shoulder. "I'm okay right now. I promise."

David nodded, and I turned a bit as Star moved her arms with the music, a grin on her face as Paul told her jokes, trying to get her to look happier. He was the most human, the newest turned, and he wanted to make sure she knew that it would be fun with them.

I bit my lip as I thought, staring at the bottle across the room. What if I drank tonight and turned with Star? What if I finally became one of them, joined them completely. Well, almost completely. I blushed at the thought of when we would have our first time together. Make love and drink from the bottle - the last two steps, and I would give myself to them completely. I smiled at the thought. I don't think I could imagine anything better than being with them for the rest of my life, no matter how long it was.

"Hey, David," I questioned, placing my hand on the back of my neck. David turned to me from where he was staring at Marko who was playing with his pigeons. "What if I drank tonight, too," I questioned.

David's eyes widened a bit, and a grin took over his face only to be replaced by a worried look. "Are you sure you're ready for that?"

I nodded slowly, and I felt the other boys' gazes on me. I pursed my lips. "I think I want to be with you guys forever if you'll let me stay."

"Of course, we'll have you. There's nothing we would love more than that."

"Then, I want to drink," I stated firmly, and David motioned for Marko to grab the bottle. Marko grinned and grabbed it, bounding over to David in a few easy steps. He then grabbed my face and kissed me before stepping back and standing with Paul who threw his arm over his shoulder. Paul's eyes followed me, but he still talked to Star who looked half-asleep at that point.

David held the bottle, staring at it with an indescribable look. "Baby, when you drink this, there's no going back."

"I don't think I want to go back, David," I muttered, clasping the bottle in my hands.

"Then, drink."

And I did. I tipped the bottle back easily, letting the taste flow easily into my mouth. I hummed at the taste and pulled away after two or three gulps. It tasted like Heaven. Different flavors mixed easily, but I could easily make out the taste of vanilla as the thick liquid ran down my throat. It almost felt like if a milkshake could be warm without melting.

I pulled the bottle away and licked my lips as I opened my eyes again. My vision was blurry, and I was tired like I had been partying all night. It almost felt like one of the nights where Paul, Marko, and I sat around smoking pot until we couldn't see right and giggled at nothing at all. It was euphoric like when the boys made me feel good the night before. It was a little piece of heaven in a bottle.

I recognized the boys cheering loudly, and David bent down to kiss me easily. I was then pulled from him and into Dwayne and then Paul and then Marko, and an easy smile slid across my face as I watched them. They were obviously ecstatic, and I was soon lifted into Marko's arms who jumped around with me. I was a giggling mess the entire time.

Dwayne took me from Marko and set me down on a couch, knowing how tired I was. I could see the sun beginning to rise as a small amount of light filtered through the cave. "Let's get you to bed, Princess."

I nodded slowly, and I was passed to Paul easily. Paul chuckled and poked my side before holding me properly, my head on his shoulder as I clung to him, my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. I watched as Dwayne picked up Laddie and Marko picked up Star. They placed them in the bed I had slept in before and then followed us to the bedroom, stripping once they reached inside.

I was placed on a bed, and I lazily threw off my outfit. I left my socks and underwear on and climbed into the middle, and the boys took their normal positions. I reached my hand down and ran my hand through Marko's hair, smiling as a soft purring sensation was felt on my leg where he was laying. "I love you guys," I stated easily.

"Love you too," they each mumbled, falling into a dreamless sleep as the sun rose, draining them of any energy.

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