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"Princess," a voice whispered in my ear, and a hand ran through my hair. "Wake up."

I groaned and rolled over, grabbing the hand and holding it to my face. I opened my eyes slowly to see Dwayne kneeling in front of me, a worried smile on his face. "Hey," I mumbled before letting go of him and stretching my body. I clutched unfamiliar sheets and looked around in confusion. Why was I in Star's bed?


I turned back to Dwayne and grabbed his hand, kissing his palm. "How'd you sleep."


I huffed and nodded. "Me too." It wasn't a lie. My bones felt stiff, and I was still tired though I slept the entire day. Though holding Star helped a bit, it was nothing compared to being with my boys. "When did you guys get up?"

"Only a minute ago. Couldn't wait to see you again. It was weird without you there."

I pulled myself up and stretched my limbs up again. I let out a loud yawn and shook my head, trying to wake up. A sharp pain hit my lower stomach, and I flinched involuntarily, moving to grab at my flesh. Dwayne gave me a sad look and grabbed one of my hands, locking our fingers together.

"You should drink from me," Dwayne mumbled, leaning in a bit.

I shook my head. "No, I shouldn't always have to take from you guys."

"Please," Dwayne whispered, giving me a look that had me nodding almost instantly. Dwayne smiled and pulled himself up a bit so my mouth was level with his neck. "Go ahead."

I didn't waste time. I bit into him and took long pulls of blood from him, almost moaning at the taste. Dwayne wrapped an arm around me, moving his hand up and down my back in a reassuring manner. I pulled away after only a few seconds, not wanting to take too much. "Thank you," I whispered, licking the remaining blood from my lips.

Dwayne nodded and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry for last night."

I shook my head. "You're not the one who's supposed to be apologizing."

Dwayne huffed and pulled away. "I know. I'm just sorry for not stepping in."

"You're forgiven," I stated simply and pressed a kiss to his lips.

I stood from the bed and looked around the cave with only mild interest. The boys seemed to be getting ready to leave, but David was watching me, a look in his eyes I didn't understand. I watched him lift his hand and motion for me to come to him.

I hesitated for a moment, but after Dwayne pressed a kiss to my temple and pushed me forward a bit, I made my way over to him. David reached his arms out and pulled me onto his lap. I tensed at the action, the argument from the night before still on my mind.

David took a deep breath and took one of my hands in his. "I'm sorry." It was two words, but his voice held deep meaning. "I'll admit that it's weird to say that because I never really say it – ask any of the boys – but I'm truly sorry. I got too emotional and didn't think when I was speaking. I was trying to look out for you and the others, but obviously, fighting didn't do very much." David laughed a hard laugh and shook his head. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for getting angry and doubting Star and making you mad. I'm sorry that I don't think before I talk. Please forgive me."

"You're forgiven," I stated, and David immediately pulled me into a long kiss. It was obvious that he was trying to convey his emotions during it. I had to pull away from it, out of breath and a bit flustered. "And I'm sorry as well." David looked at me in confusion. "I should have at least given you a second to defend yourself, but I got defensive and mad. I shouldn't have done that."

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