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Dwayne led me out of my bedroom and to the living room where I quickly sat down on the beat-up recliner that I had gotten from a thrift shop. Dwayne sat on the ground while David sat on my other recliner and Paul was laid across the sofa with Marko in his lap, playing with his hair as they listened to music. The three seemed to perk up as I entered the room, eyes following me making me just a bit uncomfortable.

I sat up a bit in my chair, smiling. "So, what do we need to talk about? Nothing bad, I hope."

David was the one to speak. "Was what you said in there true?"

I raised an eyebrow. How could he hear me? I wasn't talking that loud. Was I? "I mean, yeah. Tenth grade me would be screaming at the opportunity to become a vampire."

"What if we could give you that opportunity?"

David's voice was deathly calm, and it was the only thing that kept me from laughing. "What? Is this some kind of cult?" David glared at the question, and I simply shrugged my shoulders. "I thought it was a valid question," I mumbled, slumping in my seat with my arms crossed. Paul laughed a bit, but he quieted when David glared at him.

"I'm being serious."

I huffed and rolled my eyes. "And how exactly would you be able to do that?"

"Because we are vampires."

I sighed and stared at him. "Okay, I realize that I look dumb and all, but I don't think I would be that gullible. I mean, really? What would a group of vampires want to do with me besides eat me?"

"I'm always up for eating you out," Marko mumbled from where his face was buried in Paul's shoulder.

I shook my head at him and stared at the two on the couch as I spoke. "I mean, am I really-" I cut myself off as I turned to David to see his face completely distorted. His eyes had turned a bright shade of gold while his teeth elongated while his face distorted into a snarl. I stared at him for a few seconds, trying to find it in myself to move. My heart was beating faster than I thought possible. "Okay, well, you see-" I started before I flung myself out of my chair and booked it to my bedroom.

I threw myself into my room and slammed the door shut, locking it even though I knew it would do no good. I could faintly hear Dwayne go 'fuck' and Marko yell out a 'what the hell, Paul' as his body hit the ground. I looked around my room for anywhere to hide before I decided to do the most childish thing possible and hide under the bed. I scrambled under the tight space and watched the bedroom door from the shadows.

"Evangeline," David called out as he knocked on the door. I stayed silent, trying to lower my heart rate the most I could, though I was utterly terrified. Sure, I had talked about them before, but this was different. They were real. Really real! And in my house! I wanted to scream, but I knew it would do no good.

"Angel?" That was Marko.

"Come on, doll!" Paul.

"We're not going to hurt you, Princess." Lastly, Dwayne.

They sounded so concerned and genuine, and I almost pulled myself out, but I stayed still, staring at the door. "How do I know that?" I wanted to say that my voice was strong and powerful and that I felt confident when saying it, but in truth, my voice wavered and cracked at the end, and I swear, I heard one of them whimper.

"We haven't hurt you yet. Why don't you trust us?" Paul's voice was desperate as he spoke.

I paused. They hadn't hurt me at all. They just made me confused and a bit aroused. That was it. "Then what do you want with me?" That time, I screamed it out, on the verge of tears. I had thought about dying before, but I couldn't deny that I was fearful of it, and these boys could kill me in an instant. I still didn't know why they hadn't walked into my room yet. Maybe they were giving me space.

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