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Laddie had been a half-vampire for about a month, and things were fine. The boy seemed to have an incredible amount of self-control for being so young, and he didn't seem to get the hunger cramps like we did. Instead, he really didn't seem to even notice the changes. There had only been one accident in which someone had slipped and cut themselves on their own knife. The boys had to pull back Laddie and I both from attacking, and I had cried a few moments after.

I was so weak. Even being out at night was slowly becoming harder. When the boys were with me, though, I felt fine. It was only when I wasn't with one of them. Star had grown to hate herself, and she was often spotted moping around the cave. Anytime I tried to help her, she brushed me off and ignored me, and it hurt. I tried to help her so much, but she wanted nothing to do with me. I knew to let her be for a while as she was going through denial of sorts, but it still made me feel worse to see her curled up in bed.

Tonight, we had left her to lay in her bed and read her book. I promised to bring her back some food, and she gave me a tight-lipped smile as acknowledgment. Laddie was dragging me through the crowds of the boardwalk, pulling me to the comic store. The boys were behind me by just a bit.

Laddie let out an excited laugh once he saw the large sign that read 'Frog Comics' and tugged me harder. "Come on, mom," he cried out excitedly.

I giggled and let him drag me into the shop, sending the boys a quick smile over my shoulder as they paused near the entrance, not too close but not too far. We had stuck to our deal, and the boys knew not to come in or they would upset both Laddie and me.

I looked around the store as Laddie let go of me and ran toward his favorite section of the store. I smiled as he sifted through a large box of Superman comics.

"So, you a full vampire yet, or?" I froze at the voice, and I turned to meet the eyes of the tan brother I knew as Alan. I relaxed a bit and quirked an eyebrow, trying to play the question off.

"You know, every time we walk in here, you guys ask me something like that, but you never answer my question. What the hell are you talking about?"

Alan rolled his eyes, and I picked up a comic to look at as if I was interested. I quickly placed it down, though, and began walking around the shop, listening to him walk behind me. "We both know what I'm talking about, bloodsucker."

"If I'm a vampire, then why don't you guys just stake me while I'm in here," I questioned.

"Simple. We may be hunters, but we're not strong enough to go after four other vampires at once."

I rolled my eyes and huffed. "You guys have to be smoking something if you actually think vampires are real."

"Oh, we know they are," he stated cockily, and I watched him cross his arms. "Vampire. Werewolves. Maybe aliens. What do you think the mayor is?"

"I don't know. A normal human." I drawled the statement out and made my way to Laddie who had a nice stack beside him. "Hey, buddy. Think you got enough, or do you need more time to look around?"

Laddie grinned up at me and shook his head, holding out the books to me. "No, mom! I think this is good!"

I smiled and helped him stand up properly, watching as he mumbled over to the counter where the other Frog brother stood. "He's your kid," Alan questioned, his voice going up an octave.

"No, dipshit," I stated. "Well, not biologically. He just calls me it because I'm better than what he had before."

Alan took a deep breath and nodded. "Sorry. You're just like really young, and he's like ten, y'know."

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