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It was a little more than a week later when I finally made my way back to the boardwalk. I hadn't left the cave in quite a while, but I wanted to take Rain out for a walk, and I wanted to take the flowers from my shop. I would find somewhere to plant them all once I arrived back at the cave. I didn't plan on taking the actual flowers, but I would grab the seeds and everything I needed from there.

I left while it was still light outside, though it was a bit annoying. The sun was uncomfortably bright, but I slid a pair of sunglasses on and layered a bit more clothing than normal on. I left a note to the boys that I was out and put Rain on his leash before making my way up the annoying stairs. Luckily for me, a few days ago, Marko bought me a cart to go on the side of my motorcycle so Rain could ride with me. It took a bit of convincing and whining, but I convinced him, and I couldn't be happier. Rain was a bit goofy looking inside the small cart, but he fit, and I learned that he enjoyed motorcycle rides quite a bit.

I sped down the beach and to the boardwalk, dodging people easily. I ignored the dirty looks, instead paying attention to Rain who sat with his tongue out, watching people around us. I parked in front of my shop and clipped his leash to my belt hook.

I had forgotten how the boardwalk looked during the day, and though it wasn't as beautiful as the night, it was more playful and cheery. Whereas the night was filled with teenagers and people running around hoping to cause trouble, the day was filled with cheery families and happy old couples that reflected on how it looked. I walked down the boardwalk with a small pep in my step despite how tired I was in the beating sun. I knew I needed to grab some things from the shop, but I wanted to explore on my own for a bit.

I passed by the comic book shop and faltered. I bit my lip and stared inside, debating on looking for the comic Laddie had asked for the days before. They hadn't gone near the shop after the incident, and I knew Laddie was unhappy about it. It was, after all, the only comic shop in Santa Carla, surprisingly. I knew what he was looking for: the new Superman comics along with some Spider-man books. I took a few more moments to think it over before stepping into the shop.

It was a standard store with short aisles filled with a variety of comics that didn't seem to have a specific order. There was a counter with the register, and two people sat slumped against a TV that played the news quietly in the background. I could make out two boys placing comics in spots, not paying me any attention. I looked down at Rain before deciding to just keep him with me.

I moved through the aisles slowly, raking my eyes over the issues carefully, trying to figure out which ones looked the best. I had picked up about five of them before I was approached by the boys. They stood in front of me and moved when I did, blocking me. I sighed and stared at them before glancing at the sun that was slowly setting. "Hello," I stated simply, staring at the boys.

"We don't like your kind in our store," the one with the bandana spoke, his voice gruff as if he watched too many action films.

I scratched my arm at the statement, watching as Rain's fur bristled at my uncomfortable expression. "I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. I'm just trying to buy some comics."

The one with the tan skin spoke next, his arms crossed over his chest. "I think you know exactly what we're talking about. You're always around them, doing couple-ly things."

I rolled my eyes at that, trying not to show how shook I was. "I don't know what you're talking about. Listen, I'm just trying to buy these comics for my little brother. Do you want my money or not?"

"We don't want it if it's coming from vampire scum like you," the bandana kid stated.

I rolled my eyes again and crossed my arms like they had. "Come on, dudes. I've got like fifty on me. I'm just getting comics for a kid. Is that a crime?"

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