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The next night, I found myself on the boardwalk, staring at all the people with a new sort of fascination. I knew of their enhanced senses, but this was nothing like I could've imagined, and I knew it would get better when I was a full vampire. Yet, even staring around with this vision was something new entirely. I could see things in brighter colors and crisp image. It was beautiful. People were beautiful.

I was faintly aware of my new sense of hearing. I could pick out each person's heartbeat within a certain distance, and all I could smell was vanilla like the blood I drank from the bottle but so much better. I wanted it, but I knew I couldn't have it. Not yet, at least.

Dwayne's arm around my waist was a small reminder that they would stop me if I couldn't control myself, but I knew I was fine. I could control myself. My eyes fell on my shop, and I was reminded that I had completely forgotten about it for the past week. I could make out that some of the flowers were wilting, and I frowned at that.

I couldn't dwell long on the fact as I was almost knocked over by a soft body slamming into mine. I stiffened at the overpowering scent of vanilla and a heartbeat right beside me. I held my breath and pulled away quickly to meet the gaze of a grinning Marigold.

"I haven't seen you in forever," she screeched, and I winced at the loud sound. I finally understood why David and Dwayne were always annoyed when Marko and Paul yelled. "You haven't been in your shop or at your house, so I didn't know what had happened. Thought you might have died." I heard Paul snort at that from where he was with Marko. David was watching Star and Laddie as they navigated through the crowd toward us. "Glad to see you're okay, though. I wanted to tell you about this place I found down at the beach. It's like nobody's been there in like forever, y'know. It's really secluded. It's down there." She pointed to the opposite direction of the cave, and I let out a small nod of relief. "I wanted to show you, but I know you'd rather be with your boys." I nodded at that again and sent her a tight-lipped smile, hoping she would move soon. She didn't seem to get the memo, though, and I focused on Star's worried look as she finally made her way to us. Marigold blabbered in my ear, and I ignored her, focusing on what Star was telling David.

"There are some kids in that comic book shop over there that kicked me and Laddie out, said we were living with vampires or something. Laddie was almost in tears." I frowned and looked at Laddie who was clutching Star's skirt in one of his tiny hands, obvious tear streaks down his face. "Is there something I don't know? I know you guys all live together in that cave, but what's happening? What did I drink last night?"

I cut off Marigold as I stood and moved over to where they were standing. Laddie looked over at me and quickly ran over, launching himself into my arms as I bent down slightly. I held him up, and he wrapped his arms and legs around me the best he could as I supported him. I gave David a small nod as he gave me an appreciative look.

I then moved and sat beside Dwayne again who immediately took to making sure Laddie was okay. I was aware of Marigold watching us, but I couldn't care less at that moment. Star and David were talking in hushed whispers that I could still make out.

"Star, they're just dumb boys. Why are you worrying so much?"

"Because, something's wrong with me, and I don't know what it is. I never sleep that late. I can hear things I've never been able to hear before. Everyone smells like that fucking bottle, and I know it has something to do with what you guys gave me." She ran a hand through her hair, trying to keep her voice low.

"We didn't give it to you, Star. You took it. You agreed that you wanted a family, and you got one, but you knew there was a price."

"So, I'm, what, a fucking demon now? David, that doesn't make sense! Vampires aren't real."

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