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Jane's P

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Jane's P.O.V.~~

  It all started with slender telling Jane that he wants every one of his proxy's to be happy, for at least a little while. So he thought that sending them to school would help. While it helps some, some wanted to run but Jane said it makes slender happy so let us just try it out before giving up, and who knows we might find more proxies in the process. 

 After a bit, they find this girl who looks after Sally like a sister. After a while, Sally starts to get bullied and before Ben could do anything (after he found out she was bullied) someone had taken care of those boys and girls who bullied  her. The police found them and their families dead. There was no sign of a break-in or indication that someone was there, just like they had just died. 

Police had thought the father had killed his family and then killed himself. Police later ruled that out because of where the father's stab wounds were placed on his body. 

 I heard the teachers tell the kids that aliens did it so they would somehow be less scared, but I knew better than that. Someone did it did a good job of doing it.

......Ben's P.O.V.....

 I went to pick up Sally after school and there was that girl that Sally always talks about. Sally wants her to be join, to be a sister; another killer. She even talked to Slender about it and he said it would be impossible unless she was a killer/proxy.

I rolled down the window of the car as I pulled up. Sally was in mid-sentence as I pulled up. "finished them"...... and the girl who has h/c said "It was no problem. Oh, your rides here." I didn't realize I was staring until she looked me in the eyes.   

"Oh hi, Ben I didn't see you pull up," Sally said getting in the front seat. "Well I'm sneaky like that. haha....." I don't know why I was so nerves I just was, I mean Sally's friend is cute but I don't know her like that. 

"Ben this is Y/n" Sally said pointing at her. "Hi Y/n I'm Ben nice to meet you".. Y/n just nodded. "Well Sally I have to go I'll see you Monday morning! Oh and nice to meet you as well Ben." She picked up her bag and leaned in to hug Sally. Sally actually hugged back. 

I've never seen sally hug anyone before, other than some of us at the cabin. "Bye Y/n don't forget about the flowers for my art project" Sally yelled out after her. "I won't" Y/n yelled back. Sally rolled up her window, turned on the radio, and turned and watched Y/n walk into the woods was near the school. "Sally, what do you want for dinner?" I decided not to talk to her about Yn because she might think i liked her or might want to hurt her. 

I started to pull off the school lot, when Sally said she wanted Jeff to make his Chicken pot pies. the thing about Jeff's pies is he never cooks them all the way so they are always so slimy and gross but Sally loves them. Sally is the youngest and newest, and Slender told us to protect her with our life. She is Slender's favorite out of all of us.


----Sally's P.O.V----

I said 'bye' to Ben as I hopped out of the car and ran to the school. I can't wait to see Y/n she just understands everything and I can talk to her about anything; even though I'm not allowed to Slender would kill me if he found out I told her anything, but she kills too! She killed those boys and girls and their families. So they would never know it was her. She kills in other states and cities so they wouldn't know it was her, Y/n is too good at her job to get caught.
As I walked into my class I didn't see Y/n. So where could she be and the flowers?

The teacher saw me looking around for Y/n and she came to me. "Sally, dear she was hit by a car yesterday, on her way back from a flower shop. But the doctors say she'll be able to come in Wednesday next week. So the whole class will make cards, and I'll buy a big card so everyone can sign it. Does that sound fun?" The teacher sounded way too happy like she wanted Y/n to get hit. I just nodded cause I didn't want her to see me cry. Then the teacher went to the front and told us what we were doing today.

----After School----

I waited for Ben by myself. It felt weird sitting by myself having no one to talk to. It took Ben 30 minutes longer today. So I sat and cried and wondered why Y/n was hit by a car. Why didn't the teacher worry more about her helping hand? Why did I ask for those stupid flowers? Why me? Why her? I didn't know Ben had pulled up until I felt arms around me. I looked up to see Jeff had came as well. He picked me up and put me in the car with me on his lap. I didn't stop crying until we reached the cabin in the woods or Slender's house. It is so tiny compared to Splenders' house, but we manage to fit. Jeff put me on the couch when we got inside and went to his room. Ben sat next to me and put his arm around me.

Words: 968

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