Good Night Muffin.

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 She paused for a moment then walked inside. Why didn't she goodnight back? I sighed and looked back at the darkness filled with nothing. You could hear growls, howling and other strange noises coming from the void. I would give anything to be back at Slender's cabin, but I don't mind it so much since I'm hearing with Y/n. 

She helps me to keep a level head with all of this. Even though I haven't killed in a few days. I feel no need to kill when I'm with Y/n I feel so different. I don't know why I feel this way. "Are you just sit there daydreaming or are you gonna help me?" I looked to my right to see ZageKao dragging someone behind him. I ran over to help. Together we brought the body in. Who was it 

Unknown P.O.V.-- 

I watched as they dragged the body into the house. I wanted to kill them now, however, I have to wait till my master tells me to, so I sit and wait. Watching. Once they got inside with the body I moved in closer. Being careful, making sure I'm not seen. I ducked and rolled under and around bushes. I made it to the fence of the house. 

It was then I remembered my master said something about a hell hound. I don't see or smell it, however, I can since it near. It would be easy to kill the dawn dog, but the master said not to bring to much attention to my self. I tipped toed towards the front door on the path that was laid out, from the front of the fence to the door. I slowed my pace getting the feeling I was being watched. I got lower to the ground. When I got all the way on the ground I felt hot breath on my neck. Well shit. 

I slowly reached both hands together to take my gloves off. Before I could take my gloves off the thing behind me growled. I managed to get my gloves off, however, before I could get up the thing jumped on me so now I was pinned to the ground. I tried to get it. That's when I heard a voice say. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Haha" 

I didn't move to hop to make him think he didn't see me. "You not moving won't help you. I can see in this darkness." He muttered 'stupid' under his breath. I tried once more to get up that's when the thing behind me ponced once again on my back. I'm not gonna lie it hurt. I can also feel its claws dig in my back. "Told ya." I wanted to scream or even cry, but I held it in. "All right that's enough. I'll take her into the boss." 

The beast got of me and came close to my ear and licked it. Gross! The beast walked off keeping its eyes on me. I laid there for a moment before I heard footsteps come off the porch and pick me up and throw me over their shoulder, then carry mine in the house. "Hey, Jeff get the first aid kit. Sadie tells the boss we got a company." Well shit... 

  Y/n P.O.V--

There was a knock on my bedroom door. "Hey, Boss um.. we got company and Kage wants you to come out." I sighed. They know I don't sleep, well other than Jeff, but still, I like working alone in my room in the dark. "All right I'll be out in a minute. Just give me a second." Also, why was Sadie so nerves around all of a sudden? Well, no time to think about it now. I still had my clothes from today on so I put my jacket on then straightened my papers out on my desk that I have been just working on a second ago. My hair was a mess but I didn't care right now I wanted to be alone, but work must be done. 

I came out of my room locking the door behind me

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I came out of my room locking the door behind me. I walked to the living room and leaned on the door frame and watched as they tied two people together, in chairs. I see that Kage had already put black sacks over their heads. After they finished tying them up a female voice said. "Just let me go and I'll let you live." I almost laughed, but I wanted to stay quiet, to see how they would handle this without my help. "Be quiet. And tell me why you re here?" The female was small in size, so she must be fast, yet weak, but also deadly. 

The man tied to her was slightly bulky but still slim. The guy tied to the chair was pasted out and the girl was bleeding. "I don't have to answer to the likes of you." Kage was getting angry at this point. Bless his short temper. "Why is she bleeding?" I decided to speak up. Everyone in the room looked up from the people tied in the living room.

 "Why does it matter. She was on our priority" I laughed. "Kage you know nothing. Not only is she getting blood on the carpet, but if she loses to much blood, she'll pass out, so we won't get any answers. So now patch her up and stop being a dumb ass!" kageKao stomped over to me, and got really close to my face. "Why, don't you do it." He was furious. His hands were in fists and he was ready to fight me. "No. That's Sadie's job. And as for you, you would lose that fight. Regardless of my broken arm or my wounds. I will beat you." I can feel the tension in the air. I could win, I know his weak spot. Sadie was also another weak spot, however, I won't touch her if we got into a fight.

  Kage didn't back down. He stayed right in my face. I can feel his short breaths on my face. I can feel all eyes on both of us. There was also just silence, all I could hear was Kage's breath in front of me. We both never took our eyes off one another. I could feel him getting more and more furious. He was waiting for me to make my move, but I stayed calm, and that made him even madder. We stared at each other a little while longer before I said barely spoke. "The girl has a knife in her back pocket and is cutting the rope. Sadie why don't you go ahead and take that from her, and be careful."

 I felt Kage es up a bit, but we never took our eyes away from each other. "Make sure she doesn't have anything else as well. Also, don't tough her hands she's one of Zalgo's zombie things." I added to make sure that Sadie was prepared to handle it. "Why don't you and Kage take this outside?" I and Kage both looked at Jeff who was helping Sadie. He wasn't wrong but it somehow made me angry and I don't really know why. I looked back at Kage the same time he looked at me. He grabbed me by the shoulders and tried to pick me up, but I was quicker and punched him. Witched caused him to almost fall out the broken window, he did, however, cut himself on the glass shards sticking up.   

Jane's P.O.V

It has been 6 years since we saw them awake. We had to move them to Splender-man's house because we needed the room to replace them with members that could help keep us hidden. Laughing Jack was going back soon, sadly he couldn't find Jill. We do have a new member, some guy that Ben brought in, named Bloody Painter. We don't much about him other than that he has been killing for a while. Slender-man comes out of his room more now, we're all slowly getting over the whole thing. Sally took things harder than the rest of us, but she'll get stronger after all of this. Muskie, Toby, Ben, and Masky they got over it pretty quickly, faster then I thought they would. Although people handle things differently. I, however, shut down for about a year, then went back to normal. I don't know how Eyeless Jack is taking it, we don't really see him much, but he still comes around. He keeps saying something about a girl in the woods that his chasing, and how he can never catch her. He never says what she looks like or where he last saw her, just that she doesn't look human. I sigh and look out the window. It was the dead of summer. This season is our busiest season. More campers and explores, the more opportunities to kill, new ways to kill. I don't kill anymore, I mean what's the point? I killed people who praised since she's gone I no longer need to kill. I need to find a new reason to kill, but I see no point to continue. I hopped off my bed and made my way to the kitchen to make everyone breakfast for everyone.

A/n I'll try and update once a month. *Sigh* School's hard. (I'll try and update more than that)


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