You're Alive?

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----Your P.O.V.----

I hopped on the tree branches as I jumped from the tree to get to the bottom. I stopped at the base branch and looked around to see if anyone was nearby. That's when I was pushed to the ground. We rolled a couple of feet away from the tree. When we stopped moving, whoever pushed me was now on top of me. As I got a closer look, it was an old friend who went to the dark side. "Damien?" I was surprised he was still alive and his master didn't kill him.

"Hello Princess, long time no see. How long has it been? At least three years, right? Well good to know you are still alive. My master wants you dead. Since you are an old friend, I'll kill you fast, only if you don't fight back. Haha," His laugh was sinister. He couldn't kill even if he wanted to. My old master cursed me with eternal life.

"Oh, how would you kill me, bear baby Damion?" He hates when I call him baby, even when we're dating. He put his hands on my neck and started to choke me. I laughed. "Damion, Dear, at least try" I kicked him off of me and rolled on top of him. "Let's play a game like old times. Oh, I know to hide and seek. I'll hide, and you find me. Deal?" I was strolling. My demon needed to find me first so we could get out, and Skye needed to keep Jeff safe.

 I got off of Damion and ran behind a tree. I was then teleported to the tree next to me on one of the branches. Damion knows about some of my powers, but not all of them. "Y/n, please, no playing, let's fight like real demons. You only chose to live life out there in reality. Let's fight already. Or are you afraid to lose?" He was right about being afraid, but only a little. I had faith I could win. If not, Skye would kill him and find a new master. Damion was now looking to where I ran to. When he stopped in front of my tree, I jumped on him causing him to fall. And I ran again while he was still down. "ahrg," Skye was down stitching him up, and the bleeding stopped. Good. "Y/n your beast is still alive? Why keep such a thing alive? He can't even speak right." 

A/n is sorry for the big picture...And a short chapter...



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Words: 444

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