The Next Morning

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---Slender's P.O.V.------

Last night I let this friend of Sally's sleep in my bed while I fell asleep in my office chair. It took me a while to fall asleep due to her moaning. She must have had a bad dream. I remember Sally had terrible nightmares when she first got here. 

After I stood up, I checked on the girl. Still asleep. 

I left the room and locked the door so no one could get in or leave the room. Ben and Jeff are still asleep on the couch. I slapped both to get up. "ouch, Slender, why?" both said simultaneously. "Both of you go get up and get Masky, Ticci Toby, and Hoodie for breakfast," they growled but walked out of the cabin to get them.  

I went to the kitchen to find Eyeless Jack making breakfast

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I went to the kitchen to find Eyeless Jack making breakfast. "oh, morning, Boss. How's it going?" That's how he always greets me in the morning. "Well, Jack, it was a long night. I'll tell you more when everyone is up and here." Jack nodded and kept making food for everyone. 

After a few minutes, Jane came in holding Sally's hand. "Morning, Jane and Sally. Foods almost ready." Jack said while flipping some bacon.

  A loud bang came from the front door as Jane and Sally sat next to me at our round dining table. "Way to go, Toby," Masky voice echoed through the house. Toby yelled back, 

"It's not my fault you pushed me" They started to fight in the living room and made their way trowed the kitchen. Hoodie, Ben, and Jeff bet them to the kitchen. "Ok, stop it, you two. That's enough." I said coldly. I was not ready to deal with them, but we needed to talk.

 "Breakfast is ready!" Jack said after the boys stopped fighting. "bout time, I'm starving," Jeff said, sitting in his chair, almost falling out of it. Sally hasn't said anything or moved since getting up.

 "Alright, eggs, bacon, and hush-browns enjoy," Jack said, putting the food on the table. Everyone but me and Sally started to eat. After a second of silence. Everyone stopped eating and stared at Sally and me. Finally, Jane spoke up and said, "Sally eat up you need your strength for school today" Sally pushed herself away from the table and left the kitchen. "She's upset. Don't worry about it after breakfast; I'll see what's the matter." Eyeless Jack said, continuing to eat. 

"No, I have to talk to you all first before any of you leave." I made myself sound more demanding than I should, but I was still angry at myself and Sally. I can't believe she told someone our secret. I left the table with a plate of food. I don't need to eat, but the girl in my room does.

 Eyeless Jack and Jane will take care of Sally while I take care of a few things.

 I went to my room and unlocked my door, and stepped inside. I shut the door behind me.

My eyes wandered to the bed. 

Yn wasn't there, so I sat the food on the desk. What was her name?.. "Y/n, I have food for you. Jack made it. Do you know about Jack?" 

No answer. I looked out the window; I knew Y/n was still in this room. "please don't kill me." Finally, the smallest voice came from the closet. "Eat, girl. I'll let you say goodbye to your friends and family if I kill you. You have my word." 

The door from the closet opened. 

"I have no family, and Sally's my only friend" surly, she was lying. Everyone has at least one family member left. "Eat. now do you know Jack?" She slowly came out of the closet and moved to my desk but kept an eye on me. "Sally only told me about Jeff, Ben, herself, you, and Toby. She said she didn't like the others so I didn't bring it up." She took her eyes off me for a second to look at the plate. "It's not poisoned. sit and eat." She looked at the plate once more. And made her way to the chair. "While you eat, you will tell me about yourself." She nodded. she took a tiny bit of egg, still unsure of the food. After swallowing, she uttered, "What would you like to know?" 



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Words: 766

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