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 There was a knock at the door. It was this Jeff guy. "Hey.. um. Sadie, KageKao wants you when you're done." Why was he nervous? Sadie nodded and finished my bandages. "Well, that should do for now just take it easy." She smiled and left. Jeff still stood in the doorway. He was pale white, black hair, black eyes, he had a permanent scared smile and a red-stained hoodie. "Feeling any better?" Why was he censored about me? "Could be better." Jeff sighed. He moves to the bed and sat on the end of the bed.

 "You seem so different here then you did out there. Why?" He looked sad, upset even that I was different. "I'm more demon you could say. I'm more evil here than out there. I have to be strong here to protect myself and my family." Jeff had a confused look on his face. "Family? What family? All I see is a bunch of misfits in a house with nowhere to go." He was right but they are my family I would do anything for them, and I hoped they did the same. "We, we're brought together by nature. We protect each other to survive this world. Every so often I am able to take one of them out of this hell." He stared at me for a while before speaking again. "How many did you save? and Who?"

Jeff's P.O.V.----

"How many did you save? and Who?"She looked at me blankly, then answered. "I saved maybe 36,000 maybe more, some became good people and forgot about us, some are waiting for all of us to get out and live together, others are the demons we once ran from here, and others stared their own group. I can't name all of them, but if want I could name a few." I was shocked. That many people saved from this place? I didn't know how to think. I just nodded. "Well, I name two of the main ones. Zalgo and his gang, Slender-" She stopped. 

"I remember now......."

  Jane's P.O.V.---

It's almost been a full year. It's the dead of winter. Slender-man hasn't come out of his study in months. Sally sleeps with Ben in his bed. I, however, don't really get any sleep. Eyeless Jack is not stopped watching over the cabin as Slender told him too. Toby, Masky, and Hoodie sometimes help E.J. when their not off doing other missions. My main job to do now is to just watch over Y/n and Jeff. Sally doesn't go to school anymore and Ben goes on extra missions since Jeff's gone he also has to do him as well. Slender believes Sally is still too young to go on missions with any of us. I just think he'll lose another member like his daughter to the dark side or killed. I sit here watching almost dosing off when I hear Y/n talking. "I remember now..." What did that mean? Remembers what? I decided to ask Slender-man. I slowly walk to his door and knock softly. "Slender she talked in her sleep again." No answer. Sometimes you could hear him moving back in forth from wall to wall. Other times you could hear him in his chair crying if he could cry. I sighed knowing I wasn't going to get an answer from him, and slowly walked away. When I go back to the room there was someone I've never seen before. "Who the hell are you?" He was all gray, he had no color anywhere on him. When he turned around and looked at me I knew who it was just by his face. I ran to hug him. "Hey, Jane. How's it been?" I wanted to cry but held it in. "I'm great. What about you?"
I pulled away from him. He sat on the end of Y/n's bed and watched her. "I just came from the dreamscape. Jeff's fine I guess he's too worried about her. And well Y/n is having some memory problems she can't really remember where here is and who certain people are, but they are ok for now anyway...." I started to cry. They were fine, well kind of anyway. "L.J. how are you handling things?" He sighed. "Well, that's why I'm here. She wants to see Jill." Jill's gone she left so long ago. I wouldn't know where to even start looking for her. However, E.J. might know where she might be...

  Slender-man's P.O.V.

I haven't left my office since I came back from Splender's house. I was pacing the floor thinking if I should go or now to the dreamscape. So many things could go wrong and not a lot will go right. I didn't know what I could do. I could just wake Jeff up and almost everyone would be happy. Sally would but she would be more happy with Y/n. She would want a complete stranger and not her own family. I sighed before sitting in my chair and looked out the window. Ben was just leaving, I watched as he tracked through the snow. I heard faint whispers from Jane's room. She was either talking to herself again or she was talking to someone. However, it was just me and her in the house. I should go check on her. Should I? I paced to the door. I slowly reached for the doorknob. I knew I should have opened that door, but something told me not to. ~~~~~

I sat in my desk chair and pulled out my key for my bottom drawer. There was only one thing that was most precious to me...



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