Do it Yourself!

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  Slender-mans P.O.V.---

It took me over two weeks to find Splendor. He wasn't in his mansion. So I waited there until he came back. When he did get back his suit was all stained in blood and black goo. "What did you do this time?" Splendor-man was always getting trouble with other proxies. "Oh I just wanted to talk to Offender and some baddies got in our way. Nothing too bad." If I had eyes I would roll them. "Well go get changed we need to talk." He nodded and left the living room. I picked a book I was reading, called "Humans Analogy What goes were?" It didn't have an author. I was on chapter 178. It was a big book. Splendor-man came in a while after wearing his Pj's. 

"So what do you want to talk about?' He sat in the chair across from me. I closed the book and sat it back down. "Jeff and another one of my proxy's are in the Dreamscape." Splendor frowned. He hated the dreamscape and the monsters in them."I can get them out, however... They might die. If I'm rushed. So the best thing to do is for you to go back home while I work. Or you can wait until they find their own way out." He stood to leave. He's the only one of the Slender bothers who sleeps every night. "I need Jeff." Splendor-man looked me over and sighed. "There is something you could do but you won't like it..." What was he talking about?"What's that?" He came closer and whispered in my ear. "Go in yourself and get them. They might need your help." After that, he left. Go in the dreamscape? I haven't been there in so long and I wouldn't know where to look.

 Go in the dreamscape? I haven't been there in so long and I wouldn't know where to look

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Jeff's P.O.V.--

When I woke up I was in a new place not on the ground or in the treehouse. It hurt to sit up. "Go easy there you'll rip the stitches." I had to blink for a few seconds to clear my vision. I looked around the room, and there in the door was someone who looked familiar. "Hey there Jeffry hows it going? Long-time no see, Ha. Reminds me of all days." That voice sounded so familiar. Where have I've seen him from? That nose? Where have I seen that nose from? "Come on Jeffry you remember your old pal. It's at the tip of your tongue." Who was this guy and why and the hell did he keep calling me Jeffry? Someone pushed past him and jumped on me. "What the hell?!" It freaked me out. "Jeez, Jeff chill." Who was this girl on the bed with me? "Who the hell are you two and where's Y/n?"

"Really you don't remember? It's only been a few years. Oh well, a lot of years i guess. Since you live out there now." The girl got off the bed and left the room seeming upset. "I'll go get your girlfriend you  wait here."

He left the room. I didn't trust this guy, Who was he and where am I? It hurt to move. I must have hurt something when I jumped from the treehouse or maybe when I tackled that guy in the woods. I stood but had to keep one hand on my stomach and one on the wall. I slowly stumbled to the doorway. I made it to the door when the guy that was just here came in holding up y/n. She couldn't walk by her self and her arm was broken even more and was bleeding. "Y/n what happened? Why didn't you fix her arm?"

 He gave me the look of death he wanted to kill me now. Y/n lifted her head. "Hey, Jeff I'm fine don't worry about me. What about you? Are you ok?" They moved passed me and he sat on her on the bed. "Don't worry about you? Are you that fucking stupid?" She could barely keep her head up. "Hey don't call her stupid. Or else!" A voice came from behind me said. I turned to look. A new guy with a black and white mask on. "Who the hell are you? And what's going on?" I was so confused. I wish I had Ben here he'd help me escape this hell. "Jeff takes a sit and I'll tell you everything you need to know and introduce my friends." Y/n's voice was barely a whisper.

 The girl from earlier brought in a chair for me and helped me in the chair. "Ok, this guy who you saw first is Laughing Jack." LJ? No way he was rainbow-colored not all black and white. "This is Suicide Sadie. And the one who wants to kill you for calling me stupid is KageKao" I looked all of them over. "LJ you changed and you did too Sadie. What happened?" They didn't answer they were just watching Y/n. Y/n was falling forward and all i saw was a swish and someone caught her. "Y/n?" It was the monster from before who did my stitches in the treehouse. He picked her up and laid her on the bed.

"Jeff this is Skye he helped you in the woods. We then found you and brought you here. Y/n will not stop bleeding until someone on the outside fixes her wounds. Then she'll heal. If no one does she'll die." Sadie ran out of the room after Lj said that. "How do we get out?" Skye laughed and shook his head. "We don't know she keeps that a secret she all ways said that here is safer than out there in the real world. She's not wrong I saw it once" Skye sat next to y/n body. "Is there another way we could save her?" They sighed...

 "Is there another way we could save her?" They sighed

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( the first pic is KageKao & Suicide Sadie

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( the first pic is KageKao & Suicide Sadie. And the last pic is Laughing Jack)

Slender's P.O.V.--

I came back to my cabin everyone seemed to be on edge. "What's going on?" Sally was crying on Ben's lap. Ben pointed to Jane's and Sally's room. I opened the door and saw so much blood. Blood everywhere. "What happened here?" Jane looked up from Jeff's body. "They started bleeding. I can't get her to stop bleeding. and Jeff's having a nightmare and keeps moving around so I have to hold him down." I moved to Y/n's body and checked her pulse. Barley beating. "Jane I'll hold him down you need to help her now." Jane didn't move from Jeff. She hates Jeff but likes him more than y/n. "She could have done this. She could be hurting Jeff." I slapped her. Enough of this Shit. She did nothing to him. There are evils you don't even know exist and by the looks of it, she took more of a blow then him. For all you know she was protecting him from evil. Now help her." She wasn't holding Jeff any more but still didn't move. "NOW" She ran over to her and started to work on her.



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