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  Sally's P.O.V.--

Ben was holding me while I cried. Jane wasn't happy with me, She thinks I replaced her with y/n. But I haven't I wouldn't do it even if I wanted to. Jane's like my sister, Y/n is just a friend that I like. I believe that Jane will get used to Y/n after they wake up. I will take some time but I believe they become friends. Hopefully. I hope Jeff is okay. I know Jane thinks it's Y/n but she wouldn't do that unless given a reason to. I stopped crying after a while and just laid there on Ben's lap. He hasn't said anything, but he will at some point. I like it when he doesn't push me to tell him things like the others do. Y/n does the same thing she doesn't push me, she waits till I tell her. "Are you guys hungry?" It was Jack's voice. 

I was but I didn't want to move. "Hell ya, I'm starving!" Ben was always hungry always. So is Toby they could eat all the food if allowed to. "What about you Sally hungry?" I still didn't move. "She wants something to eat I'll make sure she eats." Ben always watches out for me. That's why I love him so much. "Cool sounds good." I heard Jack's footsteps leaving the room. "Sally you have to eat, but you should also get some sleep." I couldn't sleep I was worried about Jeff and Y/n I had no time for sleep. Ben started to hum, hum his sleep lullaby. And I started to drift off to sleep. But before I fell asleep I heard Slendy start to yell at Jane. "NOW"...............

Y/n P.O.V.----

I couldn't open my eyes so I was laying their eyes close wanting to cry. "Jill's gone remember? She left us. She lost her color like me." I don't understand I just saw her yesterday. "I just saw her." Was it a dream? It looked so real she was her taking care of me and telling me how she had a crush on Lj. "Where did you see her?" Lj's voice was so soft and smooth but some worry as well. "Here she was helping me change my bandages and telling me something.

"What did she say?" I didn't know if I was allowed to tell him, I'm sure she'll forgive me if I tell. "She has a crush on you and misses you." I wanted to see Lj and Jill happy, hell I just wanted to see. "You saw her here? How did she leave?"--- " She's not coming back." What? He didn't know that. How could he know? I moved slightly trying to sit up, but I felt pain and laid still. "Take it easy there you'll hurt yourself." Who's voice was that? I don't remember it. New guy maybe? "Whose new guy?" I wish I could see who it was. "You don't remember me? We were just in a treehouse together." I don't have a treehouse or even know where one was.

 "I have no idea what you're talking about." The new guy is very confusing. "Y/n why don't you rest I'll go get Sadie to change your bandages for you." Who? "Who's that? Find new people Lj? ha. I want Jill to change my bandages or I'll do it my self." I don't trust new people granted I trusted Lj but I wanted to be safe. "And what happened to calling me by my 'monster' name? Everyone uses it so why you call me by my human name?" Surely he didn't forget my real name, and why call me my human name its dangers to do that. "Sleep Azrael  I'll go fine Jill for you." Then he got off the bed and left but the new guy stayed where he sat next to the bed. "Some name you got there what does it mean? And why aren't you remembering anything?"

"Why so many personal questions? Look new guy no offense but you will most likely die here or out there your lucky Lj brought you in." He was lucky but I will have to train him or Damion could do it. "Lj didn't bring me here you and Skye did." How dare he bring up that name. "Leave you, ungrateful Bitch. Get out of my room." I wanted nothing to do with him. He was now useless to me. I didn't want him. "Why all I said was you and Skye drought me here." "GO THE HELL AWAY" and he left but didn't leave the house. He was brave passably to brave.

I wonder if LJ was telling me the truth, but that would mean I'm forgetting something. And where was Jill my best fighter? I need her more than anything. 

Someone came into the room. I knew who it was and it made me sick. "Leave your disgrace." It was Skye. I can't stand hie kind, their parents were from Pokemon who breed with other demons. Truly disguising! "Arrg?" They can't speak right either not being raised by 'people' they have no voice, what so ever. "LJ GET THIS BEAST AWAY FROM ME!" (Picture below is Skye's mother. Dad unknown.)


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