What Do I Do?

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-----Slender's P.O.V.-----

"I'll come back. I have to talk to the others first. You sit and eat your food." I forgot about the others. She nodded and continued to eat. I left, shutting the door, but I didn't lock it this time. I wanted to see if she would try and run or if she would stay.

Everyone was sitting in the living room, well, everyone but Sally. She must still be at school now. "Alright, let us talk." Everyone stopped what they were doing and started to listen. "Alright, now most of you know that Sally told our secret. Some of you don't" Silence. No one even gasped. "Sally told her friend. A teacher helper is what Sally said..." I explained everything to them. I also told them the girl was in my room and didn't know if I should kill her or let her join us. Ben knows something about her. "Ben, you have information, please do tell." 

He stood. All eyes were on him now. "um ya, I- I mean, after Sally gave me her name, I googled her. That's not her real name. I don't know her real name because she can't die. Well, she can. She'll be reborn and hunt your family until no bloodline is left. However, if she favors you like Sally, she'll keep you alive. That's all I looked up before I fell asleep." All eyes stayed on him for a brief second until he sat back down. Then the vision was on me.

 "I know I never ask for help, but What should I do?" I was lost. I always knew what to do, but I didn't, and I think they knew that. Jane stood and bravely said, "Slender-man, we have your back. So if you kill her, we kill, we all kill you. Even if Sally doesn't like it initially, she'll help in the end. I'm sure of it. But if you let her live, we'll help you teach the ways of our Proxy!" I looked at everyone tells nodded. "should we vote, or do you think you can decide yourself?" Jeff asked if he would want to kill any of the chances. "I believe we should vote. We need paper, and a pen of some kind," everyone but Eyeless Jack jumped off the sofa. He's not here much. He's always a patrol making sure teenagers stay out of our forest. "We do have your back. But I have to go...:" he got up to leave. "Oh ya, I vote for her to live. or at least give her a chance." I wanted to say something, but he had already left.   

"Here, Slendy." Jeff always gets on my nerves, but his family. He handed me a pen and a ripped-up piece of paper. Jane had a hat and was putting hers and Hoodies paper in it. "Where's Jack?" I looked back out the door. "He wants her to live. Or at least a chance to join our Proxy..." I feel like Jack is correct, but I'm still not sure...

----Your P.O.V.----

After I finished my food, I watched out the window. I saw a guy leaving the cabin; he looked up at me and waved. He was wearing a blue mask and black goop coming out of his eyes. I waved back, unsure if he was going to hurt me. He waved for me to open the window. I looked at the door. What if Slender-Man comes in or hears me open the window? I look back down at the blue masked man. He was gone. Oh well, I wonder what he wanted. A while later, I sat on the bed. I was boarding my left arm is hurting now the medicine that the doctors gave me must be wearing off. 

Slender's room was so plain, all white. I can tell he has never used this bed except maybe once or twice. The window stretched from one side of the room to the other even with light coming in, and the room had a gray tone. It seems darker than it should be.  This room also has only two doors: the exit and the closet. There's nothing in the closet. No paintings or pictures on any of the walls. Just plain white paint. On the floor, there are some dried red and black spots. Maybe blood? I don't want to know, but I also do. I went to the desk. I wondered if he had anything in it. I like secrets. I opened all of them but the bottom right-hand corner, which was locked. Darn! I sat back on the chair, and the door opened to the room. "You can come out now. We need to talk," Slender called out. I got up and strolled to the door...

A/n the quotes at the bottom have nothing to the storyline; I like some spiciness at the end, lol. 



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