I'm Sorry Jeff

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"EAT ME? WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Ben yelled finally standing up from that chair he was just tired to.

"Well yeah he eats people. Mostly kids but you short so he could have just misackend you for one."

"I'm average hight I have to know!" I roll my eyes and look at Jeff.

"Looks like you'll be headed back to reality soon. Better het ready to leave at any moment. I think he'll be here soon."

I turn to leave when Jeff stopped me.

"Your not coming with?"

I shocked. I didn't know what to say to that. Why would he ask me that?

"No. I belong here. I only left to find some help. Sally. I wanted Sally to come with me, I could have taken her to; but I think she belongs there. Like you do."

I take a step toward the front door.

"So you were just trying to get to Sally this whole time?" I can feel the anger and hatred grow toward me in Jeff's voice.

"Sorry Jeff but that's what I really wanted. Sally was the key, but i fucked up and got you instead."

I stabbed the door behind me and ran. Smiledog following close behind.

~~~Time Skip~~~

After a while I made it to the woods. Were it all started.

None of those things were true. Yeah I wanted Sally but not for what I was there for. Sally was like sister I need to protect.

I hate to admit it but I fell in lo e with Jeff. Jeff's a fighter and his psycho side of him makes me crazy

I needed to say those things to get him to go home. I'll be safer there. Zalgos coming and it's only a matter of time before he gets here.

Slendermans P.O.V.

I passed a girl and some type of dog.

I ignored them. I can smell Jeff's and Ben's scent not to far from here.

~~~Time Skip~~~

After a few miles I saw the cabin that thing was talking about.

The lights were on. I made my way to the front door.

As I'm about to knock an explosion happens behind me.

A/n dose anyone even read my story lol. Cliffhanger

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