Jeff Why?

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Last Chapter: Kage P.o.v

I can tell that Y/n is thinking of letting me win. However, Sadie would never forgive me if I become leader. Sadie would leave me, and I can't lose the love of my life. I don't think this should have made it this far. I should have just let her have her argument and stayed quiet, but it's too late for that now.

I kick her knee causing her to fall to her knees. I was about to finish with an uppercut, but I was tackled to the ground.

It was the new guy, Jeff or whatever. What the fuck is he doing?


Y/n P.O.V.---

Before I could tell what was going on Kage was being tackled to the ground. I had Kage right where I wanted him. He thought he was about to win. I almost had him. Jeff? That dumbass. Some times I wish he wasn't here. He seems to get in the way a lot. "Sally Check on the people tide up will you?" I yelled to Sally who stood on the porch shocked by what she just saw.

Sally luckily snapped out of it when I yelled at her and ran inside. Smile dog came and stood next to me. He wants to say something but sadly none of us understand him. But I have a feeling he has decided who is now the new leader. 

Kage and Jeff stand. Kage is pissed but doesn't start a fight, just yet. "Smile Dog. Decide who will lead us." Kage says brushing off dirt and dried blood. Smile dog still stands next to me. He slowly lifts his paw and sets it on my shoe. "WHAT? I WAS WINNING!" Kage getting outraged began to move closer to me. "You know damn well that I was just waiting for your punch to hit before I finished you." 

Kage pushes passed me and goes in the house after Sally.

"Jeff why? I had him where I wanted him. I was this close to, agrr. Never mind. Sit with Smiledog for a bit."

Jeff's P.o.v.

I can't believe her. I help her out and this the thanks I get. Bitch. I decide to sit next to the damn dog. He looks like me... if I were a dog. "What's your story mut?"
I sigh knowing dogs cant speak.
"I dont suppose you know a way out? I could use some sushi right about now. Hell even some sun wouldn't hurt. When I get back I'm going to beat some ass. Haha"

I stand and yawn. "Let's go in. Let's see what those people wanted." The dog follows me in the house.

Y/n P.o.v.

Jeff needed some time alone to think about what he wants next.

Once in the house I see Sally on the floor and Kage kneeling next to her. Her head was hit. The guy that was passed out was still in the chair, but awake now. The other guy is in the corner with a fire poker. He was scared. I slowly Walker to him.

"Hey calm down. It's alright. Tell me what's the name?"
He tried to stab me. "Wo chap."
I grabbed the fire poker and pulled it out of his hand.
I threw it across the room.

"Now tell me your name."

"Ok ok. My names Ben. I came here looking for a friend named Jeff. I followed Slenderman and he found a portal and it led here. I just found you shack."
He knows Jeff?
"Ben? You son of a bitch! Come here!" Jeff is running over here arms open. I guess they know each other.

"Jeff glad to see that your alive. Big man's looking for you. And her." He points at me.

Why is he pointing at me. What did I do. I didn't dring him here. Or did I? Mmm?

Wait a portal? I shove Jeff aside and push this blonde freak up against the wall. "What the hell."

"Shut up. What is this about a portal? Where is it?"

I was getting angry at him for being scared. What kind of killer gets scared? Not the good kind.

"I dont know. When I got here it was gone. So was the big man. I ran in to some demon things. And got lost."

I slam him into the wall again.
"Did they follow you?!"

"Wha? Who?" Ben said trying to escape my grasp.

"The demons! Did or didn't they follow you!?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Sally. I released my grip and let him fall.

"Kage and Sally code 707."
They nod and start taking things to the secret basement.

"Y/n what's code 707?" Jeff called after me. "Lock down. Either help, go in the basement or get the hell out of my way."

I help Kage carry the guy tied up down.

I can hear Jeff ask Sally what him and his friend could do to help.

As we got the guy down the stairs a scream was heard from upstairs.

On Fandom Wiki it says: 

Insanity inducement

Dream/nightmare manipulation
High patience
High persistence
Dimensional travel
Sharp claws and teeth
Demonic powers

Are Smile dog's power/skills.

Are Smile dog's power/skills

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