What Happened Here?

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------Jane's P.O.V. ------

I convinced Slender-man to stay outside while I went in to find Y/n. I would love to know how he knew she would be in this hospital, but no time for that.

The hospital had poor lighting, and no one was at the front desk. So I wandered around the first floor until I heard something heavy fall above me.
I rushed to the second floor. Then waited to hear more sounds. Everything fell silent.

I didn't hear anything for 30 minutes, so I slowly moved around to see if I could listen to anything.
As I got closer to where I was standing on the first floor, I heard a muffled scream. I ran trowed the sound. I got to the door, tried to open it, locked damn it!
It took me a while, but I managed to kick the door down after a few tries. 

Once I got the door opened, I saw blood everywhere. A nurse and a doctor lay on the ground, not dead but damn there. The sink was running in the bathroom of this room. 

I looked inside, and There was the girl; was she the girl Ben and Sally were talking about?
"Come with me. Slender-man and Sally are waiting for you."
She turned to me and said, "You must be Jane. Sally talks about you a lot. You're her actual sister. What was she talking about? She looked a little out of it. As I was about to grab her, she fainted. I managed to catch her before hitting the floor. After I got a good grip on her, I stood up. It was hard to step over both of those bodies, making my way out of the room.
Unfortunately, as I had one foot out the door, something or someone grabbed my leg, and I fell. Luckily as I got up, I saw Slender-man a couple of feet in front of me.
"Jane, there you are. Let's go. I have an uneasy feeling."
He came closer, picked Sally's friend and me up, and shut the door.
"Should I ask what happened to Dr. Smiley and Nurse Ann?" I shrugged. I had no idea what had happened.  

We made it outside then Slender teleported back to the cabin

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We made it outside then Slender teleported back to the cabin. The lights were off, except for the glow of the T.V. Ben and Jeff must be playing games.
Before we went inside Slender, put me on my feet. While keeping this girl in his hands, Slender opened the door. Ben jumped off the couch. Jeff was sleeping. "About time you guys get home. Who's that?" Ben said, coming closer to get a better look. Slender pushed Ben out of the way and went to his room/office. 

"Ben, Slender's not happy with Sally or that girl. And he's mad at himself." Ben sighed and laid back on the couch, and waved goodnight. I went to mine and Sally's room and laid down. Sally was fast asleep.



Sorry, this is a short chapter I have so much homework!

Words: 527

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