Pack Leader

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A/n Not good at fight scenes but oh well. A side note I looked up Jeff's Fandom Wiki and it said he had some 'powers'. (For some reason I couldn't link the site so trust me or look it up. ;) His powers include: Murder methods, Peak human conditions, Hand-to-hand combat prowess, Peak strength, Peak athleticism, High stamina, Speed, Durability, Enhanced senses, and Stealth)

Jeff's P.O.V---

Y/n and Kage are now outside fighting I believe but I don't know. Sadie and I are checking the girl's pocket and the knots on the rope. She had been able to cut a little piece of the rope with the knife we found in her hand. She had a very strong grip on the knife. If I were the leader I would have not taken it away, I would have wanted her to put a fight, but that's the way I am. After we took care of the girl, we opened the front door and watched Kage and Y/n fight. Sadie spoke making me jump a little. "I've never seen them fight like this before it's not like them...Oh, wait there was one time when they were fighting for team-leader. Kage was the leader for about a month before she beat him.

 They were cool after that." Wow, it's strange to think that they can fight like that. I mean what are they fighting about? I see no point in fighting, at least not right now anyway. I looked away from Sadie and back to the fight Kage was winning, Was she letting him win or was it some type of plan? As I continued to watch I saw something crawl on all fours closer to Kage and Y/n. I wanted to say something to warn them, but I also wanted to know what it would do. "Oh, its Smiledog. I wonder who he will help. Maybe he'll help Kage this time. It's about time we get a new leader anyway." Sadie shocked me with what she just said. "So you want Kage in charge?" I think that Kage is to mindset on evil and won't do anything good once he's the leader."

I didn't say that. And besides, if Smiledog intervenes he will decide who's the new leader. I know it sounds weird but that's how its and how it's always been. Well at least for a few years now." I sigh. What would happen if Smiledog chose someone other than Y/n or Kage? I couldn't be a leader. I wouldn't know how to run a group like this. 

To try and take my mind off things I asked Sadie. "How were leaders chosen if Smiledog didn't pick them?" Sadie and moved to the old porch swing. "Well, we either fought for it or voted. Granted our group was bigger at the time, but everything was pretty chill. On occasion there were fights, but Y/n always handled them properly with no deaths. She's been here for along time. Way before me or Kage got here, maybe even before Laughing Jack and Jill was here. She was alone for a while before she found someone and helped them, and she would give them a chance to stay or leave. A lot left but so many staid." 

How long was she alone? Did she have a place to stay or was she always on the run? I watched Smiledog stop and turn toward us he had a smile just like mine just on a dog I guess. It was kind of weird to see my smile on something else. He just stared at me I didn't know to do. It was kind of spooky and made me wonder, is this what my victims felt like before I kill them. Weirdly I like this feeling. 

Y/n P.o.v.

I had the upper hand in this fight, but I didn't want to be the leader. I've had control for so long. However, I can't let Kage of all people have control. He has a good heart but yet so evil when need be. Kage is a great second-hand man, good at everything he does. That why it pains me so much that if I win I'll have to kill him. Sadie will leave, but I'll convince her to stay and I'll let her be the leader. Skye and I will go back to our treehouse, back to where it all started. Back before we had to worry about anyone else. I could just let him win and go home but I'm afraid to let go.

Kage P.o.v

I can tell that Y/n is thinking of letting me win. However, Sadie would never forgive me if I become leader. Sadie would leave me, and I can't lose the love of my life. I don't think this should have made it this far. I should have just let her have her argument and stayed quiet, but it's too late for that now. 

I kick her knee causing her to fall to her knees. I was about to finish with an uppercut, but I was tackled to the ground. 

It was the new guy, Jeff or whatever. What the fuck is he doing?

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