She Knows Everything!

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Sally's P.O.V.

Slender came into the room, followed by Jeff. "Sally, what's wrong?" Slender asked as he pulled me up to his tentacles.

 "Y/n was-hit b-y a car and the teacher--ww-as happy about it. Y/n was gee-getting me flowers, and she could have dd-died. So it's all my fault."
I couldn't see anymore. My eyes were so foggy from crying, but I couldn't help it. Slender hugged me and said, "But she's alive, yes? So it's ok, she'll bring you your flowers and be at school in no time. Now my dear, please stop crying." He said to me. There for a moment, then I stopped crying.

It was time to tell Slender what all Y/n knows and hope he doesn't kill her. "Y/n knows about us and that we kill people. But it's ok. She killed those bullies, their families, and me so she could come as one of us. Right slender?"

 He paused for a moment, then sighed. "I have to do some thinking on that one, Sally. Do you know her story? Her story is what matters most to me."
I didn't know that. I was about to open my mouth and say that, but Ben interrupted me and said, "I don't know her story, and neither does Sally. However, I've done the research, and she's famous. Her body count is bigger than all of ours, even yours, Slender. She's even older than you, too" Slender sat me back on the couch and left the cabin.
"Hey, Slender, where are you going?" Jeff called after him. Slender just grunted back and shouted at the door. Jane, who I didn't know had been there the whole time, came closer to me and picked me up. She took me to our bedroom, which we shared.
"Sleep. I'll make sure that he doesn't harm her. But if he does, don't be mad at him. He doesn't want our secret out. You should be more careful. We should keep a better eye on you".
She tucked me in and then left, shutting the door behind her. I wanted to get back out and ask Ben how he knew that stuff about Y/n. But I was so tired that I couldn't get up. So I just drifted off to sleep.

-----Slender's P.O.V. ----

I can't believe she told anyone. I should have taught her better, but I thought I did everything right, and how did Ben know so much about Sally's friend? I should tell him to stay off the dark web. Whatever her name was.
After a while, Jane caught up to me. "Jane, please go back and keep an eye on Sally" Jane was never one to not listen, so I wasn't surprised when she kept following me. "Are you going to kill the girl or what?"
I stopped walking for a moment. Thought, "Depends if Y/n isn't what Ben says she is, then I will have to; however, if she is was Ben says, I will have to test her might. But why would she kill for Sally? Is she r killer?"
I asked myself more than Jane, but she gave me the best answer, the same as mine "I don't know, but I hope she is for her and Sally's sake."
I started walking toward the only hospital in town in the woods. Jane still didn't leave my side.
"Jane, you know I could teleport without you and leave you here, right?" She sighed next to me. "Yes, but you won't. You love me too much as a daughter, that is. Although you have a daughter already, and she's evil."

I didn't know what to say to that she was right; I did love her even more than my daughter, but I still love my daughter even if she's evil.
"Let's run shall we" I started to pick up my pace a little at a time to make sure Jane could keep up.

-----Your P.O.V. -----

I woke up in the hospital, and it was very dark; I couldn't even see the moon, so it must be cloudy outside

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I woke up in the hospital, and it was very dark; I couldn't even see the moon, so it must be cloudy outside. I didn't feel any pain; the doctors must have me on some strong medicine.

 I felt around the bed for the nurse button but couldn't find it.
I tried yelling for one but lost my voice somehow. I tried getting pushing myself up but realized I had broken my left arm. I didn't know how. I only remember going and buying flowers.


 God, I hope she's alright. I have to get out of here and see her.  I tried to get back up, but someone opened the door to my room.
I couldn't see the cause of the light for a moment. "oh, you're awake, good" It was a female's voice who walked in and started to check my monitor. "Everything's in order. I'll get the doctor for you. Oh, and we took your button. You keep pushing it in your sleep. I'll get you a new one after the doctors finish with you. And some food. You don't need water since you are on an IV, so that's good.." She was talking to herself. I would speak, but no words came out. Finally, she slowly left the room as if I was going to say something. Now I wanted more than anything to tell her to fuck off.
I tried once more to sit up, but it was useless. Then, the door opened again; I didn't get blinded.
"Good to see that you are still alive." He laughed to himself like dying to him meant nothing. I should kill him, but that would be too easy, maybe his family, yes, his family. I can't get a clear read on his mind. However, he seems very close to the nurse here.
"Let me look at those pretty little eyes of yours" He turned on a flashlight and pointed them at my eyes.
"No redness, that's good" he put the flashlight back in his pocket and wrote something down on his clipboard. "Well, I guess it's about time I told you what happened since you can't talk. You were in a car crash. You broke your left arm, cracked three ribs, and hit your head very hard. You're lucky to be alive. The other guy didn't make it."

He smiled when he said the other guy didn't make it

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He smiled when he said the other guy didn't make it. I could end his life if only I could get off this bed. "Dr. Smiley, I have food for her and brought her a button." The nurse from before came back. "Great! Thank you. She also looks like she needs a bath. Do you mind going and getting those things as well?"
The nurse put the food and button on the table next to the bed and said, "Only if you bathe me too, doctor." His smile grows more prominent. Then he said as the nurse was walking out the door.
"Well, of course, I would love to help you."
FUCK I'm so screwed! What do I do? I can't get up. The doctor leaned over me and whispered in my ear.

"We won't hurt you, but you will like what we do to you. I won't kill you either if you play along. Haha!" He stood back up when the nurse came back in.
"Excited, are we?" We asked the doctor as she threw the food tray on the floor, then set a new tray of things on the side table. They both laughed while staring at each other. Finally, the nurse shut and locked the door.
"Let the fun begin," Dr. Smiley said, pulling the blanket off me. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't. "Slow down, Y/n, we take our time here," The nurse said.
The doctor slapped the nurse. She hit the floor hard.
"She's just eager to begin just like you were when you first showed," the doctor said, pulling on velcro. I was tied down to the bed so that I couldn't move. I'm so numb. "Shouldn't we wait til she can feel us? It would be for fun?" The nurse said, standing back up.
Dr. Smiley looked at me and asked me. "Should we wait?"

A/n Sorry if my spelling is off; it's hard writing on a tablet. -_-


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Words: 1435

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