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Slenderman P.O.V. ~~

I turn to see the surrounding trees have been set ablaze. It would reach the cabin soon. After all only dead trees were here.

I heard shouts from the cabin.
"Hurry we gotta go! The cabins next!"

The door slammed open and the ran right into me causing a dog pile on me.

"Slender? Oh hey boss what's up? Long time no see hehe."
Ben said hiding behind Jeff.

"Hey boss." Jeff said helping the others off me.

"Its time to go. Wheres Y/n? I have a few words for her."

"Look baldie, shes gone and she mostly likely started that fire. So we need to leave shes not exactly stable right now."

Baldie? Wha-

"Oh this is Kage and that's Sally." Ben said pointing to them.

"Well while you figure it out, me and Sally are going to the backup cabin. Jeff you remind where it is right." Kage said ignoring me.

"Ya." Jeff said rubbing the back of his neck.

Kage grabbed Sally and ran away from the fire.

"I didn't mean to-" I stopped Jeff from apologizing.

"Let's just go. She was here before and left before we should leave. NOW!"
I grabbed both of them and ran toward the fire.


"When you need me to make you a portal. Yell 'Gibson' and I'll know you're ready." Daten-shi said as she fumbled with her bag.

"Why Gibson?" I asked very confused.

"Well I don't know it's not a common thing that you would say so, the more uncommon the word the better." She stoped fumbling with her bag and pulled out a dark purple pouch.


*Daten-shi means Fallen Angle (Japanese) is an oc of mine. Picture her like this:

 Picture her like this:

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>Flashback Over<

A portal started to open  it was very small but we managed to fit through and crash in a bush, I'm the real world.

[I dont own Creepypasta or pictures in my book!]

[I dont own Creepypasta or pictures in my book!]

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