'Just Get Over It'

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A/n kind of depressing. You have been warned.  

Y/n P.O.V.~~~~

Fire surrounded me. I didn't even realize that I had started it. Even next to this fire I feel so cold and alone.  I really should put out the fire but I didn't have the energy to care or to move for that matter. I hate myself so much. I let my emotions control me and used my power. Zalgo is sure to know where I know but I should just let him kill me. 

I know I shouldn't but what's the point of living. I'm being overdramatic, I should just get over it. 


"Y/n this place is yours, someone will take it from you for a short while and it will be full of nightmares and monsters, but you'll have to stay strong. To overcome the darkness and rule the dream world."

"That sounds cool and all, but I want to see the real world. I want to see real people and have real friends. I'm not as stupid as you think to agree with you. To just sign my life away like that. The life you lived, was lonesome, tiring, you weighted your shoulders, like a burden that you want to drop on me. I can't take it." I paused to take a breath. "What's so wrong about having Zalgo rule for a while. That's what you did when you, went out in search of something, That's when you found me. Right? So, why can't I go search for someone I can take care or?"

The king took a breath. I would have been annoyed but he was on his death bed.  

"There is something I need to tell you, Y/n I need you to keep a level head with me when I tell you this. I didn't find you as I said. I summoned you... You are the devils child but your mother was an angle. You can change what the dreamscape is. Make is a happier place"

Flashback Over~~

I shouldn't have ran away that day. I could've said goodbye one last time. I should have just listed. But I didn't believe him. I didn't know the world would go to shit so fast.

Jeff P.O.V. ~~

We crashed into a wall when we came through the portal.

"Get off me fat ass!" Ben yelled from underwear me.

"No, I don't think I will."

He pushed me off and tried to tackle me.

"Really already back and you start fighting?!" Slederman said stopping Ben.

"Welcome back Slendy!" Splenderman said going in for a hug.

Slenderman moved out of the way causing me to get squashed.

Slenderman moved out of the way causing me to get squashed

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