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Slendermans P.O.V ~~

I'm going to kill that blonde ass when I find him. I can't believe he jumped in the portal after me.

I see the tree house Splenderman was talking about before I went through the portal.

6 hours before ~~~

"When you get there find the forest. Then you will find the tree." Spleny said.

"How will I know which tree it is? It's a forest right? There are more then one tree!"

Splenderman just laughed and pushed me through the portal we found that lead to the dream


I made it to the top of the ladder. No one was there. Food cans and paper litter the floor. A tattered blanket and pillow lay in the corner. A makeshift bed maybe?

That was it. Was that girl living like this? By herself? Good. I'm glad. If shes use to being alone, she'll be fine staying that way when I take Jeff and Ben home.

"Get out of my tree."

I turned to see an outline of a man. This was his house? I fucking told Splender that it would be hard to find!

"Oh, my bad. I was just looking for someone and I thought they lived her."

I made my was to the hatch when the man stopped me.

"Who was it?" The man's voice was deeper this time.

"Y/n and a boy named Jeff. Have you seen them?" This man gave me a bad vibe.

"The girl yes but no Jeff. She use to live here with Skyro. Then big fight. Lots of screams and yells. They were gone by morning. Gone gone gone. .Gone with the wind. But they did have cabin few miles from here. Few days walk. Although there is no sun here or there. Good luck in the dark."

The man disappeared and evil laughter could be heard close by.

"I need to be quick before something happens" I whisper to myself before leaving.

Ben's P.O.V.~~ 6 days earlier~~~

"Why cant you follow him?" Me and Jane have been fighting for at least an hour.

"Because I'm older and I'll take better care of things then you could. So your going through that portal!" Jane said crossing her arms

"Grrr ahh fine. But when I get back I'm blaming you. "

Jane rolled her eyes and left the room.

'Fucking asshole. I had a gaming tournament this weekend!'


"Ya Slenderman's on his way. Splenderman said something about a treehouse. So when I got there. There was some creepy guy there saying some weird shit. Then told me about the cabin."

"Some creepy guy? Oh that's just Seed Eater. I surprised he didn't eat you."

A/n sorry for a short update

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A/n sorry for a short update. Life has been kicking me in the ass lately. Well sweet dreams~~

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