𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮. 𝓞𝓻 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓮𝓵𝓼𝓮.

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  LJ didn't come to know one did. I wanted this gross ass-hat away from me. I don't like him or his kind. The Pokemon were once sweet monsters. It wasn't until the 'poke masters' just used them and did thing were just wrong. So the Pokemon fought back and killed their masters. After that, the Pokemon looked for love and no one wanted them until they found demons to love them. There are only very few master's lefts and that's because they treated their Pokemon right, so the Pokemon had some restraints when harming them and keep them alive. "Y/n you understand me right?'' How did he know my name? 

"How do you know my name? And why are you here? Where's Damion?" Where was Damion? I need him. I want him. I want him to hold me. "I've known your name for years. We are allies. I brought you here because you have been hurt badly and you needed help. Damion is the one who hurt you, me and Jeff saved you. LJ helped me bring you here."

I still don't know what anyone was talking about. What's with all the lies? If everyone is telling me the truth then why can't I remember anything? Why was Jill gone? Why is Damion evil? Why am I here? Who was Jeff? Why do I hurt so bad? Where was home? How did I get here? 

All these questions filled my head. I wanted to scream, but couldn't. So I cried. "Y/n it's to late to cry. But we can help you and find out what's wrong." I wanted someone to hold me. I wanted Damion, but Lj says he's evil now. Is that true?

I felt Skye sit on the bed. "If you think it would help I could go find Damion, but he will have to be tied up and blindfolded." I nodded I wanted to see him. If anyone was going to tell me the truth it was going to be him, he has never lied to me. Ever. Skye left the room and I just laid there almost falling asleep. Someone came into the room I was in. A girl. She had something in her hand.

"Lj tolled me to bandage you up before he left." I opened my eyes. She was pale, missing an eye and had cuts on her arms. "What's your name girl?" Before answering she helped me sit up. "My name's Sadie. I've lived here for all most a year now. KageKao found me and brought me here. Back then you guys called me different names. until I remembered my real name, and what happened to me." While telling me her story she was putting bandages on my face. "What helped you remember?" She paused. She seemed shocked that I asked her. "Well, I died out in the real world or whatever you call it. Kage took me there and took me to my giving. That's when I remembered everything." Was my body outside of the dreamscape? I hope not. 

"How long have you and KageKao been together?" She blushed if that was even possible with her being so pale. "Shortly after coming here, and you show me that it was ok to fall in love with someone, within reason of course. The mission is important." That does sound like me. "Love is also important. Just chose what is worth saving. Your love. Or Everything else." Sadie nodded and then asked. "How long have you and Jeff the new guy been together?"0

I slightly laughed. "I don't know. I only remember meeting him today."

A/n sorry its so short. School :'(


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