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  ----Your P.O.V. ----

    I walk into the living room. Everyone's eyes were on me. I've never seen these people before. Other than Ben, Slender-man, and that girl from last night from the hospital. "What's your name again?" Ben asked. I could get a better look now that he wasn't in a black Lexus S.U.V. His bright yellow hair was distracting. "Y/n," I sound scared. And I was. They are for sure going to kill me. "Here sit in the armchair."

 A guy with a yellow jacket and white mask got off the sofa and took a box off the chair. I tiptoed around the couch to the chair. "thanks," I said before sitting down. "No problem, sweetie" He sounded so sarcastic. 

    I watched him sit back down then looked up at Slender-man, who was behind the couch. "Hey, chill, your shacking." I looked at who said it. It was a guy wearing a yellow hoodie and had red eyes.

 I then realized the other guy sitting next to him he has goldish goggles on and a gray jacket with striped sleeves. the guy in the gray coat asked, "Y/n, how's your arm? Does it hurt? Can I sign it?" 

Then the guy with the red eyes slapped the back of his head. "Are you foolish?! She's scared. And just let Slender lead and ask the questions, ok?!" He was right but did he have to be mean about it? The guy with the masked also said, "Ya, Toby let Slender ask the questions."

    "Alright, stop it, you three," Slender-man said, hitting all three with his tentacles. "Now Y/n, is your arm ok? We can go get some new bandages if you'd like." Why were they being so nice? I'm so scared and creeped out about all of this. "My arm does hurt a little, but I will be fine." Ben rolled his eyes then he stood and said "'I have to go get Sally from school. I'll go steal some medicine and raps for her arm" He left.

    Slender-man sighed. "You don't need to lie. Now let's move on to the more serious matters. How old are you really?" My age I have no idea. Maybe 16-17 or 18. I don't know; I've never kept track. "Maybe 17." They looked shocked. "WHAT?" they all said at the same time. I shrugged; I had no clue. I never keep track. "what do you mean, maybe 17?" They just started to bum rush me with questions and began getting closer to me. "STOP" I yelled. I closed my eyes.

    I could pass out I felt so closed in like there was no escape. "Y/n!" That was Sally's voice. she was back. I don't know why she's the only one who goes to school. It's weird. I didn't look up when she called or when she made her way toward me. I felt so lost and like I was losing air.  Sally lifted my head and made me look at her. "Y/n, is everything ok?" Why was she so blurry? I looked above her head. The room was spinning. "Sally steps back. She could hurt you." It was a male voice. Sally grabbed my shoulders. She just keeps yelling my name over and over again.

I remember falling, then darkness. I had been pulled in to the dreamscape, and I pulled someone in with me. But who? I was still sitting in that chair. Once I stood up, the chair would be gone. I stood, and the chair vanished. I looked around for the person I had pulled in with me. I would need to leave with that person, but they'd see my proper form. You can't hide anything in the dreamscape. My monsters' Rome free here, but they won't kill me. They love me, so they have no reason to kill me; however other people monsters Rome here. So I needed to find who it was. "AHHHH, SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE! AHHH!" The scream got closer and closer. Eventually, the voice ran it to me. 



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Words: 694

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