Save Him!

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  ----Your P.O.V.----

He ran into me. Jeff? He fell on top of me. "Ah, don't hurt!" I finally saw who it was, ?????. "oh is you. How do we get out of here? How did we get here? where are we?" Still so many questions. "We're in the dreamscape. I brought us here by accident. I need to find one of my demons to help me out..." He looked so confused. " What about me? How do I get out?" I never had to get anyone out before. When I brought someone here, I left them to die. I have an idea of how to get him out. Should I lie for the time being? Maybe... I'll have to ask.

 " What was chasing you?" Jeff looked behind them. "It was a monster. All bloody and sharp teeth tried to eat me! We should run!" they grabbed my wrist and pulled on my arm. "No, wait, that might be the demon we need." But he didn't listen. They pulled me away for the one thing I needed to get out. Jeff wouldn't let go of my arm, so I had to run to keep up. I kept telling him to stop, but it was useless...

After a while, we can go across the cabin. "Hey, there's Slender's cabin." Again, Jeff tried to pull on my arm, but I stood my ground this time. "Hey, let's go. We're right here." Jeff finally turned around to look at me. "What? Come on. It's just Slender's cabin" He was so wrong. It looked like a Slender-man cabin, but we were not out of this hell. Not yet anyway. "'That's not his cabin. It just looks like it. We have to get out of here to get back. You have to follow me." 

Jeff let go of my wrist and walked to the cabin. He strolled to the cabin, unsure if he should listen or not. I wanted to stop him, but he won't listen until something terrible happened to him. Jeff looked back to see if I was following or not. I wasn't. He looked back at the cabin and continued to walk toward it. There was growling coming from behind me.

 I looked to see what it was. My demon watched from afar: I waved it over. 

The monster was unsure of the new person. I looked back to check on Jeff. He was in the house. Great, just great. He would be killed, then Slender-man would kill me. I ran to the cabin. Jeff was lying on the ground with blood coming out of HIS chest. "DAWN IT, JEFF" My demon grabbed Jeff and me. He ran out of there.

 My demon ran miles to his treehouse

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 My demon ran miles to his treehouse. My demon mane is Skye.  It only took about 2 hours to get to his treehouse. However, time passes differently here. Out there, it's been a day or so, Here only an hour or two. No one ages here. Every 1,369 years in the real world, a year passes here.

After we got inside the treehouse, Skye then laid Jeff down gently. Skye is one of the friendlier monsters. However, there are eviler ones. We need to avoid them for now, at least. I checked Jeff's heartbeat. It was weak but still beating. "Aggrh" Skye only speaks when needed, but I understand him. He said, "Blood equals the evil ones." He was right. We needed to stop the bleeding. I searched the house. I should have had a first aid kit somewhere when I lived here a long time ago. "agggrhh," He found it. Good, I'm glad.

 I took the kit from Skye. Then, Jeff's once-to-be white hoodie was taken off to see how badly the cut was. It was so bad. Jeff was hit by a demon that spreads darkness. One of the worst ones. "Dawn," I whispered to myself. I opened the kit and pulled out a knife. And cut as much of the dark as I could. "There, that should do for now until we get out." I started to stitch him up when I heard twigs breaking and leaves rusting under the tree. "Skye finishes stitching him up. I'll take care of this. And try to stop the bleeding" He nodded. And I jumped out of the tree to see who or what it was.

----Slender-man's P.O.V----

  Y/n and Jeff passed out. I tried to keep everyone from asking too many questions, but they never listened to me. I tried to also keep them from getting too close, but I wasn't fast enough to stop them. I do, however, have all of them in the air. I grabbed all of them except Sam and Jeff. Sally was the only one who just sighed. Everyone else started to freak out. 

I put Sally down since she was calm. "They're fine, Mr. Slender. She was just scared." What did she mean by that? Does she know where tell is? "Sally Dear-" Sally cut me off. She has never done that. "There in the dreamscape. Where our demons roam, she goes there every time she's scared. She took me there once. It's terrifying." 

I didn't know what to say. I did, however, know what Y/n was talking about. My brother and I were born there, but our mothers let us out. She said it was for the best. "When did she take you to the dreamscape?" When we get Y/n and Jeff to wake up, I want to talk to Y//n about her powers. "You know when you were going to take me trick or treating. and I said no, cause I wanted to hang out with my friend..." Aw yes, I remember. 

She also said she was too old to go. Even though everyone but Eyeless Jack went. Jack said like he did every year, "No thanks. Someone gotta watch the cabin" The cabin would have been refined, but he has the stuff to work out. "Do you know where she took you?" Probably not. The others calmed down enough so I could let them down."A treehouse. with a guy named Skye was pretty cool and friendly." I had never heard of him before. Mmmm? I looked at Y/n and Jeff's bodies just lying on the floor. I was zoning out for a second when someone yelled... "Blood! First aid kit now." Jeff was bleeding from his chest.

Jane was the only one other than me who knew how to patch someone up. "Jane, take care of these fools and Jeff. I'm going to find a way to get them out," I told Jane before leaving the cabin. First, I needed to find Splender. He'll know what to do.

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Words: 1159

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