Chapter 1

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Katrina's POV

"Hey, Sam can we talk it's important," I asked.

"Yeah what's up Kat?" Sam questioned.

"Well, when I went to the doctors last week they had told me some bad news. I can't have children," I told  him about to cry.

"Awe Baby I'm so sorry. That's why you have been so into children right now," He said trying to cheer me up.

After that, I burst into tears. "Baby don't cry," he had wispered while holding me.

"Hey! I have an idea what if we go to an orphanage and adopt a child." He suggested.

"That's a great idea, Sammy," I said not thinking. "Can we go tomorrow?" I asked without thinking.

"Sure babe," Sam said.


We got in bed ready to go to sleep, but we were too excited.

"Sam?" I asked. 

"What," Sam responded.

"Are we going to adopt a girl or a boy?" I asked out of curiousness.

"What do you want to adopt?" Sam asked.

 "How about a girl?" I answered.

"That sounds good to me" Sam responded.

It was decided we were going to adopt a girl. We could hardly wait to see our daughter.

The next day

Abigail's POV

My name is Abigail and my whole life has been a mess. I have been in and out of foster care my whole life. My mother died when I was just 4 years old. On top of that my father had gone to jail. So I had no choice but to go into foster care. I decide to just stop talking when I was 5. I am now seven and nobody wants to adopt me. But when they do I am returned in at least a week.

Sam's POV

I don't know how good of a father I am going to be but I would do anything to make my Kat happy. Although now I kinda regret adopting now because Kat and I aren't even married yet and now we have a child. I mean I am going to love this child with all of my heart but UGH! Sam why do you have to jump too soon. I guess I started to daze off when Katrina screamed my name and regained my focus.

"What was that about," Katrina asked concerned.

"It was nothing," I said quickly to not build any suspicion.

"Okay," Katrina replied.

We got to the orphanage I got really excited, forgetting about not being ready. I could see that Kat was excited too because she had a smile beaming from ear to ear. She was also jumping up and down with a quiet squeal. If it wasn't for me holding Kat's hand she would have burst through that door. When we got to the door we were greeted by a nice lady named Ms. Ali.

Katrina's POV

I was so excited to get a baby girl. Although I wondered what that all was about in the car with Sam. He said it was nothing but I don't think it was nothing. I sensed a hint of regret in his eyes. When we got to the door a lady named Ms. Ali came and took us inside. She had called for all of the kids to come downstairs and line up. Ms.

Ali asked a little girl something. I didn't hear what she said but the child disapeard upstairs. Minutes later she came down with a girl. She had long dirty blonde/brown hair and blue eyes. I had pointed out the girl to Sam and we started talking. I went up to Ms. Ali and asked who the girl was. Ms.Ali told us a little about her and said her name was Abigail. After that, I went up to the little girl named Abigail.

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