Chapter 4

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Kat's POV

The next thing I knew was waking to my alarm.

UGH! I groaned

"You have to get up for work babe," Sam said half asleep

"Five more minutes please"

"Nope you have to get up" Sam stated while rolling over to face me

He kissed me on the lips

"You have to get up now," he said as my second alarm went off

"But I don't want to," I said whining

"But you have to Kat"

"But the bed is so warm and cozy I said to Sam as I cuddled up next to him

"Come on he said as he started to get up." and this is why I love sleeping in the same bed as Sam because he can do something that my clock can't do, he pushed me out of bed. Then he rolled back over I got ready for work then he sat up I gave him a hug and a kiss and I left.

Sam's POV

I love it when Kat doesn't wake up to her alarm for two reasons. One, we get a little bit more of cuddle time, and two if she isn't up by her second alarm I get to push her out of bed. I'm so glad I don't have a job like Kat. Kat got dressed for work gave me a hug and a kiss then left for work. The next thing I knew was me waking up to Abigail's scream. I jumped out of bed and bolted as fast as I could to her room.

"What's Wrong!" I yelled

Abby started crying rapidly I had figured that she had a nightmare. I walked to her bed and sat down pulling her in a tight squeeze and stroking her head. She was crying on my shoulder I was hushing her while telling her it was OK and it was all a dream. I heard her stop crying and the most shocking thing ever from her

"Can I sleep with you?" Abby said 

I was just stunned and in awe that her first words were to me. I told her yah and we walked back to my bedroom. She held my hand the whole time.

"Do you want to talk about whatever happened?" I asked her

"Well you see I was kinda awake and I saw a tall man in black he looked like a man but also looked like a shadow. He was standing right next to me. He had long fingernails that looked like blades" she said while still scared at what had happened

It was at that moment that I knew what was there The Midnight Man. So we had to get a priest as soon as we could in this house and cleanse it.

"Um, Dad are you okay?" Abby asked me

"Yeah I'm fine but how about you just get some sleep okay" I had told her not trying to freak her out. She quickly fell asleep. I, on the other hand, could not fall asleep. I was too worried about what was going to happen. I called a priest and he said he would be over as soon as he can. I hung up. I walked out if the room quietly and went into Colby's room. 

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