Chapter 14

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Sam's POV

We ran outside with Kat behind me. When we go outside Abby was lying on the cement porch holding her leg drenched in blood screaming in terror. I rushed up to her 

"Abby what happened?" I asked her still freaking out

her sobs brought me so much pain. I hared seeing her like this. she stuck out her leg to reveal the three gunshots in her leg. She cried even harder. Corey and Devyn came outside to see what the commotion was. jake and Aaron were behind them. 

"Oh my gosh, " Devyn yelled. 

Corey grabbed the phone and called 9-1-1 again. Kat and I were starting to calm Abby down when she passed out from another panic attack. Jake and Corey left to find the person who shot Abby. Kat kept trying to wake up Abby but it wasn't working. The ambulance finally arrived and took Abby. Kat and I followed. When we got to the hospital we sat in the waiting room. We waited for hours. Corey called me saying they found a man passed out drunk on the road next to our road holding a CZ 75 handgun. Devyn came in and helped KAt clam down. I could tell Kat was extremely worried about Abby. It was around 2:30 in the morning when a doctor came over to us

"Are you the parents of Abigail Golbach?" the man asked us

"Yes we are," Kat said standing up 

"Is she alright?" I asked him

"Yes, she is alright for now, but Dr, Grace needs permission from the parents to be able to perform surgery on her." the man said. 

"Yes, that's fine by us," I told him

"Great, I will come to get you when you can see her." the man said

The man walked away leaving Devyn Kat and me alone in the waiting room. another hour passed and Corey, Jake, and Aaron came. We all waited together for Abby to come out of surgery. Kat cried a little. Same with Colby because he was blaming himself for this because he was taking so long and he left her out there. I kept telling him it wasn't his fault but he wouldn't take it. It was around 5:45ih when the doctor came back. 

"Well I have some news," he said   

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