Chapter 10

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Abby's POV

We got to the bottom and we got in the car we filmed a quick outro. then we started to go home

"How are we going to hide this from your mother" Sam said to me

"I don't know but I don't want her to know" I said back to him

"Okay Abby I will keep her distracted and then you can go up to your room and find a way a hide it" he said to me

Luckily we went earlier than usual so it wasn't dark when we got home. When we walked inside Kat was waiting at the door

"Where have you been!" she yelled at Sam

"I left a note on the mirror" Sam said to her

" I saw it and when I called you, you didn't answer," She said to him

"Probably because I left my phone here by mistake" Sam said to her

"Oh okay, but you took Abby with you!" she started to yell again

"Yeah so she wanted to come along on her first exploring trip," Sam said to her trying not to yell

"Oh okay well I'm sorry for yelling at you," she said while she gave him a hug

"It's okay" he said back to her

"Awe look at you to" I said with a baby voice

they both started laughing at the way that I said that. Sam looked at me then looked at the staircase so I ran upstairs I thought I could use Devyn's help

'Knock knock'

"Come in" a voice from inside the room said

I walked in hoping it was Devyn and it was.

"Hi Abby," she said

"Hi, Devyn can you help me?" I asked her

"Yeah what's up"

"Well me Sam and Colby were out exploring and this happened," I told her while showing her my leg

"Oh my gosh what happened

"That's the thing we don't know but it looks like a hand print. And the place has been said to be haunted." I told her

"Oh my goodness," she said"Can you help me cover it up, I don't want Kat to find out"

"Sure, I'll try," She said

She put makeup on my leg. She did so many different things but it didn't work

"Sorry Abby," she said

"its okay, you tried your best," I told her

I went downstairs and sat on the couch with Sam and Kat.

"Abby what's on your leg," Kat said

"Um nothing," I say trying to hide the mark on my leg

"There is something on your leg now let me see it," Kat said while she grabbed my leg

She looked at the mark on my leg.

"what is this Abby?!" Kat said starting to yell at me

"Its nothing" I snapped at her.

"It doesn't look like nothing," Kat said while getting short 

Then she looked at Dad. She grabbed his wrist and dragged him to their room.  

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