Chapter 33

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Sam's POV

Katrina and I had decided on where to send Abby to school. We had gotten her ready and drive her to school. We sent her to the same school as Caleb so she had a friend. It was going to be weird not always having Abby around the house. We dropped her off at school then ket. Kat had an expression that I had never seen from her before.

"You okay?" I asked her

"Yeah, Its just going to be weird not having her at the house at all times, I'm worried about her. Like what if her da-" She started before I cut her off

" Don't think like that Babe, she'll be fine," I told her

"Okay," She said

We went back home. It was a little quiet.

"You know, It's kinda quiet since we don't have any animals anymore," Katrina said

"What do you mean? We have Colby," I said playfully

"Ay! I heard that!!" Colby yelled form the film room as he wheeled his chair to the doorway and peered his eyes at us. We laughed at that.

"What if we get a dog?" She asked

"A dog? Come on Katrina, We have only lived in this house for three days now" I said

"Please," She said giving me puppy dog eyes

"Fine," I said giving in

"Yay!" Katrina squealed

"Don't make it so the dog will kill me," Colby yelled We laughed a that too.

We left to get a dog. We had found a dog that we loved. She was a brown chocolate lab with a small patch of white on her left eye. She was quirky and she was very cuddly. We picked her and bought a lime green collar for her. We decided to name her Mochi. After Kat's favorite Icecream. We also got her a pet bed for inside and a dog house from outside. We brought her home shortly before Abby got home Katrina and I left to got get Abby and Colby stayed home with Mochi. We were teasing Abby saying we had a surprise for her. We gt up the front porch and to the door and...

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